Part 61 : Hotel

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Author's POV.

Some hours past and it's right now 12:00 p.m right now, still 4 hours before Taehyung and Yn land in Paris.

After Yn relaxed herself she went inside their room only to find Taehyung laying on the bed using his phone, and till then they haven't exchanged any words.

Taehyung was still laying using his phone while yn fell asleep beside him.

Taehyung: what happened to her?

He shrugged his thoughts but he couldn't just ignore this so he decided to give Yn sometime so that she could tell him by herself.

Taehyung: yn?
"He said shaking her a little".

She lazily opened her eyes before saying.

Yn: what?

Taehyung: come let's have our breakfast? Aren't you hungry?

Yn: I drank coffee, you can have breakfast.

Taehyung sigh and got up from the bed and left the room.
Entering to the main room, the air hostess came running to him.

Lady: do you want something Mr.Kim?
"She said bowing in 90 degrees".

Taehyung: prepare some light breakfast for me.

Lady: and ma'am?

Taehyung: she'll have it later, prepare mine's for now.

The girl nodded her head and went away from there while Taehyung sat on the couch waiting for his breakfast.

Time skip.

Yn: wow.

Taehyung chuckled looking at her.

They both safely landed in Paris and right now they are outside of the airport waiting for their cab.

Soon their cab arrived, driver put their luggage in the trunk while both of them settle themselves on the backseat.

Driver: shall I drive, sir?

Taehyung: sure.

The driver drove off from the airport ready to drop his passengers on their right location.

Yn: I'm really excited.

Taehyung: and it's good that we slept in the plane, or else our first day would get ruined.

Yn: yeah.

Their chit chat took place like this and soon after 15 minutes of ride they were outside of a luxurious hotel.

Welcoming themselves inside Taehyung and Yn directly went to the receptionist.

Lady: how can I help you, sir?
"She asked with a smile".

Taehyung: there's a reservation from Kim Taehyung's name.

Lady: give me a minute, sir.

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now