Part 18 : irritated

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Author's POV

Everyone gasped except jin and jisoo.


Jin: you guyz didn't like the idea?

Lisa: no, it's good but this suddenly?

Yn: yeah jisoo unnie.

Jisoo: it's actually not suddenly. We both were planning on this from like a month.

Jungkook: and you guyz thought to not tell us and give us a sudden heart attack?

Taehyung: well whatever, it's good that you are getting married so my number for marriage can also come.

As soon as he finished his statement, the girls started teasing Yn. While she was smiling shyly which didn't get unnoticed by Taehyung.

Jisoo: so yeah I need your four help to get a dress, makeup and other things.

She said pointing at all the four girls.

Rose: unnie just tell us the things and we'll do it for you.

Jisoo: we'll decide it later.

Namjoon: I am so happy for you bro. Here I don't even have a girlfriend and there my other bestfriend is getting marry.

Everyone on the table chuckled.

They talked for a while and then left for their work.

After sometime ~~

Yn was working in her cabin suddenly the corlas of her cabin started ringing. She received the call.

And Taehyung called her in his office.

Yn: sir can I come in?

Not receiving any answer she twisted the door knob and went inside. She entered and in no time she was pinned on the wall (not too harshly) opening her eyes she saw Taehyung staring at her with his eyes filled with pure love.

Yn: oh gosh, you scared me!!

Taehyung: I'm sorry.......

Yn: mr. Kim what do you think you are doing? And why did you called me? If anyone will see us like this what will they think?

Taehyung: I don't care about what THEY'LL think.

He said empathizing the wors 'they'll'.

Yn: but I care and moreover i gotta boyfriend so please leave some respective distance between us.
"She said teasing him".

Taehyung smirked and said.

Taehyung: its fine he's not here. He'll never know that we were this close.
"He said while putting his one hand on her waist".

Yn: ah han I love him truly. So there is no use of manipulating me.
"She said with a proud smile".

Taehyung chuckled suddenly his office room's door opened revealing jimin and jungkook. Yn immediately pushed Taehyung aside causing him to groan at their sudden outburst in his own room.

Taehyung: don't you guyzz know how to knock a door?
"He said irritately".

Both jimin and jungkook had wide eyes. Yn laughed nervously and went to her cabin after bowing to jimin and jungkook.

Taehyung: why you guyz are here?

Jimin: ahm Jin hyung sent me a location and said to visit it for his wedding place with you and jungkook, that's why we're here.

Jungkook: hyung let's go, I also have to do the files which you gave me.

Taehyung nodded and they went to visit that place.

Time skip
( after some days )

Yn's POV

Jennie: I am so happy.......... from past few days I was feeling like wearing something really fancy and nice.

Jisoo: guys I'm so nervous.

Rose: it happens. I was also too much nervous. But after uncle will hand your hand in jin oppa's hand you'll feel all of your nervousness vanishing away. This same thing happened to me in my wedding.

Jisoo unnie sighed and nodded.

We all girls are gather here at jisoo unnie's house because tomorrow is unnie's wedding so she was happy, confused, emotional, sad and whatsoever.

Lisa: by the way you guyz noticed how Taehyung talked about his marriage that day?
"She said with a creepy smirk".

Rose: yeah this little rat was so red at that time.

She said pointing towards me.

Yn: shut up everyone.
"I said aid with a shy smile".

Suddenly my phone started ringing.


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Thanks for reading♡♡♡.

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now