Part 3 : selected

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Author's POV

YN and her family were eating lunch when the bell rang.

(YN had told her family that Jimin also work in Kim Enterprise)

Rose got up and went to the door and came back with a letter.

Rose: looks like our princess is selected as Mr.Kim's personal assistant.

Rose said smilingly while reading the letter.

YN choke on her water which she was drinking. She quickly ran to her sister and snatch the letter. She smile widely after reading that she got selected as Korea's no.1 company's P.A.

Mr.Park and Mrs.Park smiled and hug their daughters.

YN : I can't believe Eomma.

Mrs.Park: I knew this is going to be their decision.

Mr. Park: ofcourse after all our daughter is super talented.

Rose: Yahh YN let's go and do some shopping for you.

YN: yes unnie let's go.

Rose: eomma appa we'll be back before 8p.m bye.

Mr and Mrs. Park: bye and go safely.

Then Mr and Mrs.Park finish their lunch.

TimeSkip to next morning
Yn's POV

I woke up at 6:30 a.m and I have to be there till 7:30 a.m. right now it's 7:00a.m and i am leaving for office after having breakfast with my family.

This is what she's wearing:

This is what she's wearing:

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TimeSkip 7:25 a

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TimeSkip 7:25 a.m

I went inside the building and knock at the same door a voice came "com in" I went inside and there were Mr

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I went inside the building and knock at the same door a voice came "com in" I went inside and there were Mr.Kim sitting.

YN: anneyonghaseyo Mr.Kim.
"I said and bowed".

Taehyung: Hmm welcome to my office and as my P.A I'll instruct everything wait.

"He said and call someone in his room".

A guy came inside then Mr.Kim said to him.

Taehyung: mr.Jeon tell her the rules and give her a tour of our office and also show her, her cabin.

Jungkook: okay Mr.Kim. ms.Park come with me.

Then I went outside with mr.jeon.

Taehyung's POV

My new P.A came and honestly she looks beautiful her fashion sense is also good and also she is polite (wait Mr.Kim she will show you her politeness later😏) I called jungkook to guide her then they left my cabin.

Yn's POV

We are done with the tour but honestly this building is hella big my legs are hurting so badly. And also jungkook is very cute and sweet I made a new friend on my first day yay.

Jungkook: okay YN now last your cabin come I'll show you.

He opened the door and my jaw dropped because this is like a dream to me.

He opened the door and my jaw dropped because this is like a dream to me

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Okay my cabin is not too big nor too small. I like it.

Jungkook: so YN did you like it?

YN: are you serious I love it.

Jungkook chuckle and said.

Jungkook: that's good, then i should leave as i have so much work.

YN : okay then have a nice day.

Jungkook: you too.
He said and left.

The coral in my room rang I recieve the call and it was of Mr.Kim he call me in his room.

I knock on the door and again he replied with same cold tone "come in" I went inside and point to be noted he is VERY handsome.

Taehyung's POV

YN: sir you called me?

She said after bowing.

Taehyung: yes listen. You will keep this iPad with you it have my schedule and tell me 1 hour before about any meeting and you will go to every meeting with me. That's it.

YN: okay sir.

Taehyung: you can leave now. And take these 2 files and DO NOT go home before completing them. And also inform me before going to home.

YN: okay sir.

She said with a cute pout.

Taehyung : okay leave.

I said coldly she bowed to me and left my cabin. Well she's cute too wait what are you thinking taehyung focus on your work. He said after getting caught by himself.

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Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now