Part 50 : love bites

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Author's POV.

Wearing a beautiful grey dress which was reaching till her mid thighs, rectangle neck shape with full tight sleeves.

White sneakers and a simple black watch.

It's currently 2:30 p.m. and she didn't went to office because they are going to do some shopping for thier wedding.

Taehyung said to be ready at fix 3 p.m they will go to mall for shopping. And now at 2:30 p.m she's all done scrolling on her phone while sitting on her room's couch.

After every scrolling time passed and  now it's 3 p.m. Hearing a honk of a car, she quickly got up from the couch and went towards the window.

Seeing taehyung standing while leaning his hip on the car's door. She signaled him that she's coming to which he replied nodded his head with a smile.

Seeing herself again in the mirror and combing her long black hairs she quickly went downstairs. And after getting blessings from her mother she bid goodbye and went outside.

Stepping outside from the gate she saw him standing with a smile.

Yn: good afternoon.
"She said walking to him".

He opened the door for her and after making her sit in the passenger seat he went to driver seat.

Taehyung: good afternoon.
"He said with a smile".

And as always he was looking handsome. Wearing a black and white buttoned check T-shirt opened and underneath it was a white sleevless shirt. With black cargo and white sneakers which were showing Nike sign. A loose bracelet in his left hand with a black elegant watch.

Starting the engine they started talking while going to thier destination.

Yn: I love when you wear casual clothes.

Taehyung looked at her who was already looking at him and after giving her a smile, he again turned his gaze to the road.

Taehyung: thankyou.

After sometime they were infront of the mall. After parking his car they went inside the mall.

Taehyung: what do you want to buy?
"He said interwining his hand with hers".

Yn: should we buy our wedding rings?

Taehyung looked at her with a amused expression before leading her to a beautiful jewelry shop.

Entering inside the shop, a girl came and made them sit on sofa.

Girl: sir, what do you wanna buy?
"She asked with a smile".

Taehyung: wedding rings.
"He said coldly".

The girl smile dropped on the floor and she rolled her eyes before calling someone.

Girl: Yahh, Soobin I'm going to have my lunch. Please handle them.

The girl said to a tall men and went away after glaring at yn who was glaring at her from the start.

Soobin: I'm so sorry on her behalf. What do you want sir?

Taehyung: it's fine. We want wedding rings.

The guy smiled and said.

Soobin: can I know your budget?

Taehyung: keep it, as expensive as possible.

Yn looked at him with wide eyes while he looked at her and shrugged his shoulders.

Soobin took out some rings which were most expensive in thier store.

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now