Part 31 : bestfriends

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Author's POV

The next day yn and tae both got ready and left for the office. But at there way on the office they decided to have breakfast at a Cafe.

Yn was sitting at the table while Taehyung was gone to the restroom. After some minutes a waiter came to there table.

Waiter: are you ready to order miss?
"He asked politely"

Yn looked left and right in the sign to see Taehyung but he was still in the bathroom.

Yn sigh and decided to order both of there orders by herself as she know what he prefers for breakfast.

Yn: umm... yeah. I'll get a green tea and pancakes and for Tae you can bring tea and omelet.

Waiter nodded and wrote all the stuff in note pas and left before bowing.

When the Waiter left a girl with blonde hair, big glasses, shorts with a purple tank top came from behind you and sat at your front. At Taehyung's seat.

??: he likes coffee miss.

Yn: excuse me?

??: Taehyung, he prefers coffee.

Yn: he hates coffee, and how do you know him?

??: I'm his girlfriend.

Yn: nice joke sweetie.

The girl gave a death glare to yn. Soon Taehyung came and got confused seeing the lady sitting on his chair with yn.

Taehyung: what are you doing here?

Listening his voice both yn and that girl turned thier heads to look at Taehyung.

Yn: good you came, this girl is so freaking annoying. By the way Tae do you know who she is? She's saying you know her.

Taehyung: yn get up, we're leaving.

Yn: but I already order breakfast for us.

Taehyung: I'll cancel it.

??: why you're in so hurry? Won't you'll introduce me to your new girl?

Taehyung death glare at that girl before grabbing yn's wrist and dragging her outside.

In the car.

Taehyung: why you let a stranger sit with you?

Yn: she said she know you, that's why I let her sit. Taehyung low the speed, I'm scared!!

She said to taehyung who was driving the car with full anger because of that person.

His hand's veins were popping like their about to explode, his face all red because of the anger inside of him just by seeing that person.

Taehyung looked at yn who's eyes were closed due to the high speed of the car.

Sweats were formed on her forehead. Taehyung realized what he was doing so he low the speed and kept the speed between 60 to 50 km/high.

Yn opened her eyes slowly when she felt the car speed decreased.

Yn: are you alright? Who was that girl?

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now