Part 46 : busy

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Author's POV.

Taehyung: start.
"He said signaling everyone to sit".

Everyone followed his command and sat on their seats.

Taehyung: who wanted to show their presentations today, Ms Yn?

Yn looked through her files and within 5 seconds she replied.

Yn: Mr.Jeon, Mr.Park and Mr.Jung.

Taehyung: starting with Mr.Park.

All of the employees sat straight on thier chairs and Jimin stood up before going towards the projector.

Time skip at 4:30 p.m.

Sitting on his leather, soft, comfortable chair, taehyung kept his head on the desk and closed his eyes.

While trying to relax a figure was continously staring at him from the glass wall. A defeated sigh left her mouth thinking about him.

The meeting with employees ended 30 minutes ago and now taehyung was preparing the five private files which he have to submit at sharp 5 p.m to Mr.Kang.

Yn and Taehyung both didn't talk with eachother after their last encounter.

Shooking her head, yn stood up from her desk and left her cabin with her iPad. And without knocking the door she went inside his room.

Yn: sir?

Taehyung looked up at her and again kept his head on the desk.

Taehyung: yes?

Yn: are the files ready?

Taehyung: they all are checked except the last one. I will do it in five minutes.

Yn: you can give it to me. I will check it for you.

Taehyung looked at yn before settling himself on the chair properly and shooked his head.

Taehyung: no worries, I'm fine I'll do it.

Saying this he fetched a Light pink color file and started working on it with a pen.

Yn sighed before going towards him and standing beside him.

Yn: Mr.Kim, give it to me. I'll do it for you.
"She said maintaining a respective distance between them".

Taehyung: fine. But I have to mail them in 40 minutes.

Yn: I'll give it to you before 40 minutes.

Taehyung nodded and yn grabbed the files from his hand and went outside of his room while he watched the disappearing figure of her.

Taehyung: is she mad at me? But for what?

Time skip at 7 p.m.

Taehyung: is there anything else in my schedule for today?

Yn: no sir.

At sharp 5 p.m taehyung mailed all the five private files to Mr.Kang but Mr.Kang requested him to have a urgent meeting on video call and as Mr.Kang is elder then him he couldn't deny him.

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now