Part 48 : sudden meeting?

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Author's POV.

Next day.

Entering inside the company, everyone greeted him bowing 90 degrees in respect while he ignored them and went straight in his lavish office room.

Sighing he unbuttoned his blazer and sat on his comfy chair, caressing his temple with a frustrated look.

Hearing a knock he replied "come in" and soon the door opened and a beautiful and fresh face came inside in his cabin with a beautiful smile.

Yn: good morning.
"She said cheekily smiling".

A sudden smile appear on his face seeing and listening to her voice.

Taehyung: morning.
"He said with a small smile".

Yn: I got a good news for you.

Taehyung: what is it?
"He asked with a frown".

Yn: we have to submit four e-mails, five files and seven project to Mr.Richard, right?

Taehyung nodded with a frown.

Yn: those seven projects are all done, two e-mails are done and files were already completed.

Taehyung widen his eyes in pure shock. He couldn't believe how it can be done in one night.

He already completed 5 files, 2 e-mails and 5 projects yesterday night.

Taehyung: who did all of it?
"He asked still being shock".

Yn: Kim Enterprise's employees.

Taehyung: really? That means we are ready for meeting.

Yn: nope we are not done yet two e-mails and two projects are left. On one e-mail I'm working and on the other one jungkook is working. And on one project jimin is working and on the last one Ara is working.

Taehyung: thankyou so much, yn.

Yn: I did some of the work. Credit also goes to other employees.

Taehyung nodded with a bright smile and got up from his place before exiting the room with yn behind him.

Getting inside the lift they both went to 1st floor where employees work and stood in the centre of the room.

All the employees stood up from there place in respect.

Taehyung: I want to say something to all of you.
"His voice echoed in the silent room".

Taehyung: I got to know from Yn that all of you help a lot in the work for upcoming collaboration with Mr.Richard. Thankyou so much for it.
"He said with a smile".

All of the employees return the smile and said 'welcome'.


Yn: you have a meeting with Mr.Choi at one p.m. that's all for today because now we have to work on collaboration of Mr.Choi.

Taehyung: why Mr.Choi wants to meet?

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now