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"Ready to play the tail wagging trick?"

Fake death.

Pretending to be a female bug, no...

Xiwen scanned the physical characteristics of the bug.

There is no doubt that this is a female insect.

There is an essential difference with his sworn enemy, the leader of the interstellar pirates, Warren Clinton.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and lifted the worm's jaw.

Azure eyes.

A handsome and unruly face.

And the wild body of his subordinates.

Not to mention the similarity, they were carved out of the same mold.

Especially the half-finger-long scar on the female chest, Xiwen's expression became more subtle and complicated when he saw the scar. Few of his military careers left such indelible memories.

That was during the Second World War between the Wild Dog Star Bandits and the Federation Army. Because of the interference of noble forces, he, who held an important position in the military department, was pushed off the ship by the ghost and abandoned on a desolate star in the Wild Dog galaxy.

Cannon fire flew, and the star beast roared.

As he lay dying, Warren Clinton emerged and held out his hand.

To this day, Xiwen still does not understand the original intention of the pirate to save him. But as the commander of the military department, he instinctively slashed the sharp blade across the pirate's chest with his last breath...

The line of sight gradually heats up.

The female being stared at felt her chest heat up, and her pupils flickered.

"What do you want to do?" He looked at Xiwen's face, his callused fingers inadvertently met the other's line of sight and across the honey-colored chest, the full and powerful lines vividly set off the slutty wildness in his eyes. The female suggested calmly, "If you are interested in my body, I suggest you rescue me first."

He raised his eyebrows and added, "I don't think this is a good place for 'sports.'"


Xiwen sneered in his heart.

Warren faked his death and changed his physical characteristics to appear in the female insect exchange as a lowly female slave. Why?

The color of his eyes gradually darkened, seeing his mortal enemy with his brain cramping trying to "seduce" him, Xiwen's brows were tinged with a smile. But this smile is definitely not gentle, but aggressive.

"Then where do you think it would be suitable?"

He oppressed him, pinched the star thief's jaw, leaned into his ear and asked softly, "The army female outside the house?"

The sound of orderly and powerful footsteps came from outside the house.

"In a closed airship?"

Following Xiwen's line of sight, through the window, the female saw a series of cramped and airtight airships.


Xivan stared at Warren, her emerald eyes were gentle. However, this kind of tenderness made Chong Wufu unbearable, he just felt like a cold blade stained with blood, as if it was going to cut the flesh and bones of the insect.

The female's Adam's apple rolled down.

At this time, this flamboyant female insect has not yet fully realized the danger.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now