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"Why should I help you?"

Warren saw Xiwen narrowing his eyes slightly, like a life-and-death judge, looking at and weighing his qualifications. In silence, his eyes lowered for a moment. When I opened my eyes again, it was tit for tat.

"what do you want?"

Warren's voice was dry, but he was thinking. Xiwen is no longer that good-hearted son, and now he has nothing and even himself is hard to protect. What capital does he have to beg Xiwen to help him, and what is it that can attract the male worm in front of him?

The brain is working fast.

"Status or Power?"

Warren's voice was hoarse, but his eyes were staring intently, "Once my troops are found, return to the Star Sea. After I pick up the power, I can provide you with military strength and navigation authority, and help you ascend to a higher position."

Help him ascend to a higher position? Xiwen raised his eyebrows slightly.

No male would resist the temptation of status and power, but Xiwen was obviously an exception.

"This is your sincerity? It seems that you don't know me well enough." Empty promises that any worm would do it, not to mention that he is not interested in these things.

"Warren, I'm not a philanthropist."

Xiwen looked down at the bug in front of him, and suddenly touched the bug's neck with his hand. Gently squeezed through the trembling skin, the scabbed tiger's mouth scratched the slightly protruding Adam's apple, as if teasing a lion that had lost its claws.

"Do you know what I want?" With an elegant and gentle ending, Xiwen said slowly, "I want you..."

"This fate."

The cold index finger slowly slid down the Adam's apple, and the emerald eyes were dim, "Including your body."

"From the inside to the outside, you own the entire worm."

The cold white index finger pointed at the deep collarbone fossa, like a prey being targeted by a beauty dragon, Warren was startled suddenly, and a coolness rushed from the tailbone.

He still couldn't see through Xiwen.

But there was one thing he wanted Xiwen to know.

"I have never stolen any military information through you."

Hearing this sentence, Xiwen's eyes instantly turned cold. There was a bit of disgust in the eyes that were concealed by tenderness. The bug in front of him is full of lies, how high-spirited and arrogant he was when he led the star thief to attack the military headquarters.

Now you want to deny everything and try to win his trust and sympathy?

Xiwen sneered and ignored it.

"I only ask you." Emerald's eyes were dark and deep, "Will you give this life or not."

This is not persecution.

Xiwen has never bothered to use coercion, he will only let the worms be tamed willingly. Looking at Warren, he slowly bent his eyes, and there was a sea of ​​emeralds in his eyes. It seems that there are waves caressing gently, caressing the apex of the worm's heart.

The military uniform is pure white and majestic, setting off the beautiful commander to be gentle and holy. But Warren knew that under such a holy whiteness, danger had already approached silently, spying on him, waiting for an opportunity to completely devour him.

He's making a deal with Dangerous Source.

An impenetrable sense of crisis enveloped him, his Adam's apple struggled and rolled, and Warren's subconscious resisted, but the next second, under the temptation of having no choice and a beautiful male, he saw himself holding Xiwen's hand.

The moment his fingertips touched, Xiwen took the lead.

He inserted his five fingers into his, soft but irresistible. The ten fingers were firmly interlocked, and after his heartbeat suddenly slowed down, Warren's whole worm was pulled up.

Suppressed too much by the mental energy, his limp legs trembled. Unsteadily, a pair of strong hands wrapped around his waist. The distance was pulled in suddenly, and the unique cold fragrance rushed to the face, the trembling legs were weak, and the roots of the ears were hot.

He was allergic to Xiwen's breath.

"Let go, I can do it myself." Warren tried to distance himself.

"You should understand." Hearing what Warren said, Xiwen narrowed his eyes slightly, "The ownership of your body belongs to me, and I have the final say."

"From now on, obey my orders."

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