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Under the cover of darkness, Warren led a group of insects straight to Xiwen's residence.

The residence was opened...◎

Two days later, the warship anchored at the private harbor.

Under the cover of darkness, Warren led a group of insects straight to Xiwen's residence.

The residence has been opened for first-level protection and has not been surrounded by military females sent by the royal family.

But despite this, Warren did not dare to take it lightly. He vigilantly ordered the military female to search the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no abnormality, he conducted pupil pattern authentication.

With the success of pupil pattern certification, the door has been opened.

The room was dark.

“Boss——” Merck entered first, calling Xiwen.

However, the room was dark and no insects responded.

"Aren't you at your residence?" Merck frowned, his expression hesitant.

Did they miss it?

For a moment, Warren thought of a trap.

If this was a trap... the target must be him.

His back tensed, and Warren narrowed his eyes slightly. The lights in the hall were turned on by Merck, and bright light filled the room, allowing the insects to see more clearly. Except for them, there was no insect in the hall.

Warren cautioned, "Search it."

A few minutes later, the military female completed the search and "no trace of other bugs was found."

No bugs have entered Xiwen's residence, and it is temporarily safe under first-level protection. Warren nodded and continued to patrol the house.

"What are you looking for?" Merck saw that Warren seemed to be looking for something.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Warren stopped in a corner, staring at the thing in front of him solemnly, "Found it."

Smart house bug.

To be precise, it is a smart house bug that appears in a sleeping state.

Even if the main insect leaves, the smart home insect will run automatically. Smart house bugs will automatically fall asleep every once in a while to replenish themselves with energy. Warren glanced at its energy level and turned on the smart home bug directly.

[Good evening, Your Majesty. 】

After verifying Warren's pupil pattern, the smart home bug stretched his body.

Warren did not exchange too many greetings with the intelligent insect, and said directly, "Get the entry and exit records of the past few days to see if your master insect has come back."

[Okay, Your Majesty. 】Hearing the command, the smart home bug cooperated and called up the entry and exit records. 【According to the records, no bug has visited the main bug's residence within seven days, and the main bug has not come back. 】

Warren's face darkened after hearing the smart house bug's words.

Sivan could not possibly live there.

"Still unable to contact." Merck tried to contact Xiwen, but there was still no reply. Not only that, he looked confused, "Even Lieutenant General Powers can't be contacted."

It was as if he had been expelled from the military department. He could not even enter the military system.

Merck realized the seriousness of the matter and looked at Warren worriedly. The insects, which had lost their backbone, instinctively looked at the calm and composed Star Thief.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now