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Merck was summoned into the bedroom.

This time, Warren was still checked.

The smart house bugs have cleaned up the room, but there is still something special in the air. On the bed, Warren's eye sockets were bruised, and from the collarbone down, there was a red mark spreading from the dawn. And the corner of Xiwen's lips beside him was torn, and some blood oozes from the back of the white bathrobe.

Everything seems self-evident.

But it's true that the insects can't tell what kind of violent situation happened.

Merck didn't dare to ask more questions, so he checked Warren honestly. The red marks became more and more shocking as they went down, causing the inspector's hand to shake from time to time.


too intense.

The difficult inspection was finally over, and Xiwen asked aloud, "How is the situation?"

"..." Merck glanced at Xiwen and considered his words, "Boss, are you and Warren... married?"

Xiwen glanced at him, his eyes were cold.

Merck quickly explained, "This is considered a good thing. For severely injured females, there is a treatment method called combined spiritual appeasement. Through the most direct intimate bonding, the male insects will penetrate the spiritual tentacles into the spiritual sea of ​​the female insects. , to appease the treatment. The higher the energy level of the male, the more advantageous it is in the treatment."

"This is currently the most effective treatment." Merck explained, looking at the unconscious Walker on the bed, "especially in a situation like him."

Merck didn't know why, but he detected a sharp deterioration in Warren's condition.

He frowned, and said in a deep voice, "His spiritual realm has developed to a stage of self-mutilation, and the instability of estrus is more obvious. If this continues, it will be very dangerous."

"If you want to..." Save him. Before Merck finished speaking, he couldn't help but glanced at Xiwen, only to see Xiwen's eyes were cold, and his expressionless face made it impossible for worms to detect a trace of pity.

The words stopped abruptly.

After a while, Xiwen said, "Understood, let's go out."

He kicked Merck out, and there were only two worms left in the bedroom.

Emerald's eyes were dim, and she looked at the bugs on the bed inch by inch. The black hair that grew wildly like a wild dog was unrestrained, and the sharp eyebrows were furrowed tightly, as if he was fighting against something in his dream, and even the veins on his forehead were bulging.

Pain and struggle are materialized.

Army boots approach.

Perceiving the familiar energy signal, the bug's mental tentacles instinctively popped out. Trembling stretched out towards him, eager to draw comforting energy.

Xiwen stared at this shrunken antenna, and the energy moved slightly in silence.

However, just when the tentacles were about to wrap around him and absorb energy, the energy was suddenly withdrawn. Sivan turned around, threw Warren off the bed and walked out of the bedroom.

Energy fluctuates.

Cracks are also appearing in impenetrable emotions.

The darkness in the green eyes is even worse.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now