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During Warren's collapse, the little female cub showed a sweet and bright smile. It stretched out its meat paws contentedly and patted Warren's chest. As if praising the deliciousness of the rations, even the small tentacles on its head began to twist excitedly.



And the insect cubs who smashed their mouths.

What is this stuff?

Many things flashed through his mind quickly, including the baby's saliva, uneaten milk juice, white blood...

However, the subtle pain pierced his fantasy.

He unexpectedly... his head shut down for a moment, and before he could restart it, the crooked worms started to bite him. Warren, who was so frightened that his worldview collapsed, finally reacted, and he pressed Zaizi's face quickly with his eyes and hands.

The stiff corners of his lips were twitching.

The little female cub didn't understand why her father wouldn't let him eat, so she grabbed at Warren's clothes aggrievedly and anxiously. However, the limbs are too short and small, so they can only spin in place like a spinning top. The poor little belly trembled, and a hungry "gurgling" sound suddenly came from inside.


The cub's big eyes were innocent and ignorant, matching his hungry cooing. Warren couldn't control it anymore, his expression was on the verge of distortion and he said, "This is not food!"

The little female cub tilted her head.

The sensitive little antennae on the top of the head can capture odor signals and can feel the smell of fragrance. The female father is lying to the cub, and the female father wants to hide the delicious food.

The clever little brain was thinking hard.

The next second, Zaizi suddenly gasped when he got the result.

The worm's strength was astonishing, and it crawled towards Warren's chest with its claws and teeth. The cub had a small face like an immature version of Xiwen, and its eyes were fixed on a mouthful of milk. Warren choked, and the collapse of his worldview came one after another in his mind.

One insect and one cub went crazy with a mouthful of milk.

Just when the unwilling bastard was about to burst into tears, the glottis suddenly opened with a "click".

Sivan walked in.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw two collapsed insects, one large and one small, with their teeth and claws showing as if they were about to fight. Xiwen paused slightly, looking at the two insects with exactly the same ferocious expressions, a smile appeared on his lips without noticing.

The leader of the Star Thieves got into a fight with his toothless son?

Xiwen stared at Warren and the cub with interest. The two bugs, whose personalities were almost carved from the same mold, were stunned in the same way the moment they saw him.


The little insect reacted first, his mouth trembled, and he looked at Xiwen with sorrow and indignation. The strong modal particles seemed to control Warren's behavior to Sivan.

Xiwen's eyes flickered between the two insects. When he casually glanced at the wet material on Warren's chest, he suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly. This glance brought Warren back to his senses instantly. He pulled up the quilt suddenly and said in a stern voice, "What are you looking at? This is your cub too."

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now