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Ten o'clock in the morning, office study.

With the sound of "ding", a communication was transmitted into Xiwen's optical brain.

[Dear Your Excellency Xiwen, the etiquette assessment for your female slave Warren Jacob has ended. ]

The intelligent optical brain reads the broadcast, [The evaluation given by Mohan Kerry, a member of the Male Insect Protection Association, is "unqualified" and accuses your female slave of serious violent tendencies, requesting payment of 7,720 star coins for medical expenses . ]

[Since Mohan Kerry was injured on duty, the association will send a second assessor John to arrive at 10:00 this morning, please be informed. ]

The voice of the intelligent optical brain machine can be heard clearly, and there is a dead silence in the huge study.

Xiwen held the optical brain, and his eyes stayed on the line "Pay medical expenses". After a while, a smile appeared in his indifferent eyes, and the corners of his lips curled slightly.

"Send 20,000 star coins to the Male Insect Protection Association, and leave a message: I am deeply sorry for Mohan Kerry, I hope he can be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible, and the remaining 10,000 star coins..."

"in case."

[Okay, master bug. ]

There was no apology in her beautiful eyes, and the corners of Xiwen's lips were happy. The words that overflowed from the inside made the worm inexplicably terrified.

Warren's rules were in a mess, which Xiwen had expected a long time ago.

But he didn't expect that on the first day of the assessment, the protocol male ordered Warren to kneel for half a day. That bug was fine, not only did it not kneel, but it also sent the direct evaluator to the hospital.

Did he dare to do this because he was determined to have a bad relationship with Fard behind the Protection Association? Indeed, the female slave represents his male master. Warren's performance also represents his attitude.

Undoubtedly, this would serve as an example for him, and it would not make him angry at all.

Warren Clinton.

From the past, this star thief leader seemed reckless, but brought him more and more accidents...

For example, stabbing him in the back silently.

Xiwen's smile faded away, and her emerald eyes became darker.

"Master, John, a member of the Male Insect Protection Association, came to visit." The smart home insect knocked on the door and reported.

"Let him wait, I'll come down later." Xiwen said lightly.

"Yes, master worm." However, just as the smart home worm turned around, it was stopped again.

Xiwen smiled slowly, "Let my female slave go and receive it first."

This wait is more than two hours.

In the hall, Warren and the members of the Male Insect Protection Association stared at each other, and the atmosphere was gloomy and condensed.

It took Warren almost no brains to know that Xiwen did it on purpose.

He slapped Jacob at the Fanmale Conservation Association and "cleaned up" him by the way.

Just when the two worms couldn't sit still, Xiwen slowly walked down the stairs.

"come over."

He sat down calmly and waved to Warren like a pet.

This nasty bug.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now