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Above the military headquarters, there is the main control room of the aircraft carrier.

The slender index finger projects a point towards the virtual terrain, and a red light flashes instantly!

"Here, the encirclement and suppression point."

Above the military headquarters, there is the main control room of the aircraft carrier.

The slender index finger projected a point toward the virtual terrain, and red light flashed instantly. Centered on the point, the network-shaped military base in the main city was lit up one after another. Like a spark that starts a prairie fire, the entire strategic layout blooms before the eyes of the insects.

Xiwen circled the location of the royal family, his emerald eyes unfathomable, "The center of the empire."

This is the heart of the Zerg, Nile's hiding place, and the destination where Mia took Warren away and fled. According to calculations, the single-handed bug should have followed Mia into Nile's control.

It is still doubtful whether Warren has really lost part of his memory, but even if he does not lose his memory in such a dangerous situation deep inside the enemy's army, the situation is not optimistic.

Thinking of this, Xiwen's eyes darkened.

"Are you still worried about that star thief?" Looking at Xiwen's expression, Winn couldn't help but ask. From the moment Xivin joined them with two wilted cubs alone, Winn guessed that Warren had not been rescued or that the star thief had once again escaped Xivin's control.

The name Warren Clinton seems to be a magic spell, always affecting Sivan's emotions unconsciously. Winn couldn't help but frown. Their next strategic plan was to attack the main city and invade the royal family. And the star thief has fallen into Nile's claws...

"If Nile uses him as a threat." He stared at Xiwen with a burning gaze, "Xiwen, if that star thief becomes a bargaining chip to blackmail you."

"How would you choose?"

This was his biggest concern.

Once Xiwen has a weakness, Nero will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Winn waited for Xiwen's answer, but Xiwen did not answer.

He covered his lips with his hand, as if thinking.

This reaction made Winn's brows tinge with worry. In the past, his foresighted and unswayed male brother would have fought resolutely, and even used the star thief to achieve his own goals. But at this moment, Xiwen's silence made him unsure.

That star thief was like a shameless stowaway, quietly breaking open Xiwen's strong defense line. Then after prying out the gap, he turned around and ran away.

After a moment, Xiwen's hand fell. He raised his head, and his sharp and cold jawline was clearly visible. Wu Chong knew Xiwen's innermost thoughts, just as he himself had no way of knowing.

Xiwen stared at Winn, "Do you think I will miss?"

Winn paused slightly, his unique casual tone revealing Xiwen's affirmation. The elegant and noble Xiongzi is arrogant and arrogant at heart, but his gorgeous appearance and powerful strength are enough to make the insect recognize this beautiful arrogance and arrogance.

But looking at Xiwen, Wen En's heart sank. Perhaps Xiven himself didn't realize that for him, Warren was a variable. Winn had a bad premonition that Warren Clinton would become an untimed bomb that would explode suddenly in front of Sivan, ruthlessly inserting the fragments into Sivan's flesh and heart. , making him lose control and causing him pain...

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now