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The open door, the unconscious guard, and the broken eggshell in the incubator.

The egg is broken.

Inside idle

At the same time, the base training room.

The open door, the unconscious guard, and the broken eggshell in the incubator.

The egg is broken.

The cub inside disappeared.

Xiwen narrowed his eyes slightly, and heard the urgent footsteps of a military female outside the door. Accompanying the footsteps were the female cub's tearful and choked sobs. When the female cub was brought into the breeding room and saw her male father, her sobs immediately turned into tears.

"Huhu——" It pursed its lips and stretched out its short paws towards Xiwen to ask for a hug.

"Where's the other cub?" Xiwen took the cub over and looked at the military female.

The military female paused slightly, "The newly hatched male cub ran away with your female monarch's airship while we were not paying attention..."

"Bah, bah, bah!" As if to verify what the military female said, the little female cub, with big teardrops hanging from her eyes, gestured with her fleshy paws and uttered modal particles filled with indignation.

The female Huhu and her beautiful male cub brother abandoned it and ran away!

It looked too angry, with its baby teeth showing in anger.

Xiwen looked over, pinched the boy's fleshy cheeks lightly, and asked lightly, "What does it have to do with you?"

Upon hearing the male father's interrogation, the little antennae swaying excitedly on the top of the cub's head stopped moving for an instant. Xiwen could even feel the impregnated female cub, her small body stiffening in his arms. The cub with rolling eyes suddenly tilted its head, as if it didn't understand the adult's words, put its claws into its mouth, and looked at Xiwen with its big teary eyes while sucking.

Extremely ignorant.

Just like his female father, he can pretend.

The corners of Xiwen's lips curved slightly, but it was obvious that he was not happy now. He let Warren go, but never thought that the male cub would break out of its shell at this juncture and followed Warren away.

Xiwen couldn't help but frown, this was unexpected.

A male cub could easily end up in danger by following Warren. Both the Insect King and the Blue Lizard are searching for his eggs, hoping to obtain his genes. Undoubtedly, male cubs that have just hatched are the best experimental subjects. If the male cub falls into their hands... the consequences will be disastrous.

The plan changed and Xiwen immediately gave the order.

"Search for signs of Warren."

"Where's your shell?"

Looking at the dirty and pitiful cub in front of him, Warren felt like he had a lump in his throat. As soon as he walks away with his front legs, his eggs break out of the shell with his back legs? The shell was broken so perfectly that Warren didn't know what to do at the moment.

He couldn't take a newly hatched cub deep into the interior of an enemy insect?

Too dangerous.

Warren frowned with sharp eyebrows and stared at Zaizi.

The little male cub didn't answer and tightened his pink lips. Different from the little female cub, the little male cub doesn't like to call out "baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", nor does he express his emotions too much.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now