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The white light is dazzling, and the smell of medicine and cold equipment sweeps over the senses. The shadow of an insect in a white robe and holding an instrument approaches, overlapping with the scene in the fragmented memory.

Warren sat up suddenly and attacked the surrounding insect shadows.

"Calm down."

A familiar voice reached his ears, and a hand grabbed his wrist. Warren raised his eyes, and the insect in front of him was Jon. He stared at Jon, his eyes wary, "Where is this?"

"Where do you think this is?" Jon stared at Warren with his gray-green eyes and said slowly, "Of course it's the military department."


Military infirmary?

Warren quickly looked around, seeing the familiar environment and the military doctors in military uniforms... This was the military medical room.

He is still in the military department...

Warren couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly and cast his gaze on Jon's face.

Jon explained, "You fainted after I took a blood sample from you. I guess you just had hypoglycemia. Of course, the specific situation will not be clear until the military doctor examines it. "

Jon's expression was natural, but it was obvious that the "hypoglycemia" argument seemed particularly lame to Warren. Even though his body was getting weaker, it was not that weak yet.

But the next second the military doctor confirmed Jon's statement.

"You did faint due to hypoglycemia." The military doctor said, "Although the female worm looks much stronger than the male worm, she is also very fragile in certain special periods."

"For example, body injury, estrus, or..." the military doctor paused, "pregnancy."

He is already used to this kind of situation. Every year, there are always a few people who get pregnant in prison in order to reduce their sentences, but because they can't get the spiritual irrigation of males and the nutrition in prison can't keep up, they are sent to the military infirmary. of.

"I hope you don't have eggs." The military doctor held the testing instrument and kindly reminded him, "Using this to alleviate the pain will be much worse than going to the battlefield."

Females that cannot be irrigated by male insects during pregnancy are simply doomed. Even if they force themselves to drag out their cubs, which are severely damaged and do not know the male father, they will not be protected.

The military doctor's words struck Warren as ridiculous.

How could he be pregnant with eggs? Even if he is a female insect now, a female...

"Have you ever had intimate relations with male insects in prison?" the military doctor asked while examining Warren's body.

Breathing slightly, Warren's expression gradually evolved in an unpredictable direction...

Warren did not have an answer from the military doctor. Instead, he asked directly, suppressing his throbbing Adam's apple, "What are the test results?"

Because of the military doctor's ridiculous speculation, Warren had no time to notice Jon's slightly gloomy look on his side.

"Let me take a look." A few minutes later, the diagnosis was analyzed. The military doctor looked at the instrument with a hint of understanding on his face, "You..."


However, just when he was about to tell the result, the door of the military infirmary was pushed open, and Merck suddenly broke in and interrupted his words.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now