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Under the gaze of the male insect and enveloped by the warm and powerful spiritual energy, Warren could hardly resist. The beautiful male insect in front of you is like a huge luminous energy source, with comfortable and warm heat, tempting the moths invaded by moisture to pounce on it.

Warren's Adam's apple floated, and he stared at Xiwen with fierce but red eyes.

Fatal Attraction.

Leave him helpless.

After confirming this fact again, he leaned over uncontrollably. Their bellies were touching, and Xiwen held his waist.

"Don't move."

The male insect's breath was whispering in the ears where the neck met. Before Warren could react to this brief tenderness, Sivan's spiritual tentacles pierced into his sea.

"!" Warren gasped immediately. The unbearable pain made him pinch the instigator's waist tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't engage in sneak attacks!"

Xiwen's expression of helplessness and pain pleased Xiwen. Xiwen tightened his arms around his waist and kneaded the back of his neck with his other hand like a soothing big cat.

"I'll tell you in advance next time." The soothing energy continued to be injected.

Warren did not expect that Xiwen would have such a good attitude of "admitting his mistakes", and he kept a lot of curse words on his lips, as if they were stuck in his throat. He closed his eyes and simply enjoyed it without seeing anything.

A comfortable gasp escaped from his throat, and Warren buried his head in Xiwen's neck. He took a deep breath, thinking vaguely about why a male insect smelled so good.

"More..." You can never have too much spiritual energy.

Hearing Warren's urging, Xiwen raised his lips as he was tightly wrapped by the three tentacles. He stared at the honey-colored neck that was red from being rubbed or dyed with passion, and felt a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart.

The ferocious dog showed its deadly neck at him unprepared.

He gently wiped the hot sweat on the ferocious dog's neck because of him...

- He injected his own seed into Warren's body.

Everything is under control and everything belongs to him.

There was a strange and pleasant light in the dark emerald eyes. Xiwen leaned forward, unable to control himself, and kissed Warren's back of the neck with his lips.

The Lants, the military, the Jacob family, insect transformation... At this moment, all the unknowns were defeated in his mind.

A moment later, Warren heard Xiwen ask: "The Insect God asked you to be transformed by an insect body. Is it fate that you met me?"

Warren paused.

But obviously Xiwen didn't need his answer, because soon Xiwen asked again: "Is the current situation between the Zerg and Lant Star also arranged by fate?"

As a SSS male in the Jacob family who was born to a humble female slave, is he also destined to have a fate?

After a brief silence, Warren heard Xiwen whisper, "I never believe in fate, I only create fate."

Such terrifying words made the hairs stand up on the back of the neck where he had been kissed, and Warren's heartbeat stopped for a moment. He woke up instantly, raised his head, looked at the insect in front of him with his unruly eyes, and said calmly, "Don't hold me back when you are crazy."

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now