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"Lord Xiwen is temporarily staying in the royal family and invites Xiwen to his residence."

As the Insect King finished speaking, a team The military female appeared at the gate of the palace. The overnight stay turned into an affair, and things began to take a turn for the worse.

If Xiwen resists, the Insect Emperor will have millions of reasons to punish him. The energy suppression bracelet that could not be opened restricted Xiven, and his energy was greatly weakened in the palace.

Wen En calmed down. It seemed that the Insect King was determined to keep Xiwen in the royal family. He couldn't help but tremble with fear, but Xiwen still sat there calmly, unmoved.

Since receiving the royal summons letter, Xiwen had expected this situation.

He stood up unhurriedly and walked towards the group of military females outside the gate of the Dian Palace as if he was obeying. Seeing that his hair was gone, Wen En couldn't help but speak.

"Your Majesty, there is still a pregnant female in Xiwen's family who needs to be taken care of. If he stays in the royal family, the development of the two eggs may not be guaranteed..." He tried to dissuade him despite the heavy pressure on his head. .

The Insect King smiled coldly, "Then take over the pregnant female."

In an instant, Wen En's heart sank to the bottom.

As long as Xiwen stayed in the royal family, the Insect Emperor would not easily let go of the two eggs in Warren's belly. Xiwen's expression changed, and his eyes darkened. He walked towards the group of female soldiers indifferently. Although most of his energy was restricted, his unshakable demeanor still made Zhong admire him.

The female lieutenant general headed by Xiwen looked at him politely and said, "I'm sorry, Lord Xiwen."

He will "escort" Xiwen to the royal family Enter the minister's palace, while the other team will go to "invite" Xiwen's female queen to enter the palace.

Winn came out.

Xiwen left under the "escort" of the female lieutenant general. As if inspired, Xiwen looked back and met Winn's urgent gaze,

The two insects looked at each other.

Wynn pursed his lips slightly as the information in his eyes was conveyed.

He stopped staying and returned to his office.

His adjutant was waiting for him, "Marshal, Lord Xiwen has been detained?"

Winn nodded heavily and looked at him with cold eyes. He asked, "What are Nile and others doing?"

This matter is absolutely inseparable from Nile and others.

The Insect King has always wanted to study Xiwen’s genes, and even wanted insect workers to cultivate SSS-level genes. But the genes of the Zerg race are exclusive. The more superior the genes, the stronger the exclusion. Without personal training, the success rate of training is almost zero.

The Insect King failed again and again and should have given up long ago.

But since the emergence of the Lants and Nero proposing a theory of genetic replacement, the Insect King has fallen into madness again.

The adjutant felt Winn's coldness, paused and said, "Nero has not left the main city, and there are signs of moving towards the royal family."

Sure enough, .

Wen En's expression turned cold, and he remembered Xiwen's eyes before leaving.

"..." Winn was silent for a moment, and finally turned on the optical brain. Called up Admiral Powers' communication and sent the signal.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now