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The chip is turned on, and the parent system successfully locates the chip. However, the location of the subsystems is constantly moving. Xiwen frowned, judging from the messy movement trajectory analyzed by the mother system, the bug carrying the chip was most likely being chased.

Without delay.

Xiwen led a team and headed straight for the location.

location point.

"These lizards discovered it so quickly!" Lepos panted while holding the little insect cub, avoiding the pursuit of the lizards. The lizards were chasing after him, almost exhausting Lepos's energy.

Looking at the many lizards that appeared in a short period of time, he couldn't help but worry about Warren's safety. Even if the current Jon is not his brother, Jon should not attack Warren...

Lepers was distraught.

He felt that his steps were getting heavier and heavier, and his physical strength was almost unbearable.


"I'll kill you if you run away again!" the lizard behind threatened.

If you don't run away, you'll be killed.

Warren sacrificed himself in exchange for time for him and "Little Asian Girl" to escape... Leipers gritted his teeth and felt the heavy weight of "Little Asian Girl" in his arms.

No, we have to find a way.

Leipers looked at the street in front of him and suddenly his eyes lit up. There was a black market in front of him. Without hesitation, he wisely ran into the mixed black market. Before he was caught in the Imperial Prison, Lepos was very familiar with the maze-like alleys of the black market. He led the lizard in circles, shuttling through complex and similar alleys.

"Get out of here!"

"Seeking death!"

But even though the black market is a mixed bag, the vicious lizards are unreasonable and just take out laser arrows and attack innocent bugs. The sound of "bang bang" wooden warehouses sounded continuously, and the accompanying screams caused chaos in the black market.

Blood splatters and the lizard looks menacing.

When Leipers saw this scene, his heart almost stopped. He cursed these lizards who had no sense of insect ways and did not dare to run to places where there were many insects. He turned around and ran into another alley, but his lack of energy made his steps increasingly difficult.

What's even worse is that this is a dead end.

The exit of the alley is blocked, and going forward is a dead end. Lepos wanted to turn back, but the lizard's voice was nearby. Lepers' heart was beating wildly and sweat was dripping down his chin.

He began to regret why he was not a female insect, so that he could at least use his bone wings to fly out. Looking around, Lepers suddenly saw a large amount of garbage and debris piled deep in the alley. At the same time, the lizard's voice got closer and closer.

With no other choice, Lepos gritted his teeth and took the male cub directly into the smelly garbage pile. He didn't see the male cub who seemed to understand his intention, and his beautiful pupils were shocked for a moment. Immediately afterwards, a panicked expression instantly appeared on that serious face with almost no expression.

The little male cub resisted the source of the stinking garbage, desperately grabbing the clothes on Lepos' chest with his two little paws, trying to get away. Compared to being caught by a lizard, the cub is obviously more intolerant of being integrated with garbage.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now