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The small antennae trembled, like two small antennas about to launch.

Immediately afterwards, there was another "crack" sound.

The fleshy claws suddenly shot out and grabbed the eggshell that was about to fall. A pair of round blue grapes emerge from the thick shell. His big eyes, glowing with excitement, scanned the surroundings.

Suddenly he met Xiwen's eyes.

Packet capture site.

The little insect's meaty claws trembled, and it stopped moving for an instant, and even its dripping eyes did not blink for an instant. The clever little melon seed seems to think that as long as it doesn't move, its male father can't see it.

Looking at the soft, fleshy insect cub in front of him, a trace of astonishment flashed through Xiwen's slightly narrowed eyes. The egg that was only three days old actually broke open by itself... He looked at the little female cub. Both her temper and her big blue eyes looked like a comatose insect.

After a while, Xiwen stood up and walked towards the little female cub that had broken out of its shell.

The little female cub obviously remembered the punishment her male father had given her. When Xiwen knelt down and stretched out his hand, her round eyes suddenly retracted into the eggshell in a blink of an eye.

"Come out."

The little kid is surprisingly smart. The two antennas shake but don't show up.

Xiwen put his index finger into the eggshell, but the next second, he was caught off guard and took a bite from the little insect cub. The insect cub had no deciduous teeth, and Xiwen's fingers were covered with wet saliva. Xiwen could even feel the bastard's constant gnawing and smashing movements on his fingers.

"..." Xiwen's expression froze slightly and his lips pursed slightly.

As if sensing the signal of his father's displeasure, the little insect shuddered and immediately held Xiwen's index finger flatteringly with his two small claws, and then licked it with his slippery tongue.

Xiwen's expression was a bit unbearable, and he directly used two fingers to lift the little female cub out of the eggshell. The little female cub who was taken out looked confused and stared at Xiwen.

Was that the same thing when the bug was a cub?

Xiwen looked at the drooling and struggling cub with an expressionless face. He calmly rubbed the saliva on his index finger back to the cub.

The restless cub bared his teeth and claws like "Aba Aba".

Xiwen narrowed his eyes and smiled, "If you move again, I will throw you back into the nutrient solution."

The little bug cub stopped struggling for an instant, leaving its round eyes staring nervously at Xiwen.

Sure enough, the baby insect understood what the adult insect said.

The mature insect cub began to become restless again, touching Xiwen's face with his claws, and said modal words in his mouth, "...huhu."

It struggled, the two eyebrows on its soybean eyes were wrinkled, and its bare little butt was also exerting force. The claws moved from Xiwen's face to Warren on the hospital bed, making a grabbing motion.

The smart cub expresses his feelings and wants to stick to his female father!

Xiwen stood up, wiped his fingers and the cub's face with saliva, and then carried the cub to Warren on the bed. He threw the naked cub onto the bed and watched the worm crawling towards Xiwen unsteadily on his hands and knees.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now