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"Your Excellency Xiwen, here we are."

The airship docked and the royal servant opened the hatch. Under the service of the servant, Xiwen stepped off the airship. The scenery in front of me is familiar, the splendid palaces and the heavily guarded fortresses.

This was not Xiwen's first visit to the royal family. On the contrary, he was a frequent visitor to the royal family during the Xiongzi period. The Insect King often summoned him into the palace for various reasons.

Looking at the building in front of him, Xiwen looked indifferent.

He followed Wen En and the servant into the palace. The first thing he did when he entered the palace was the routine search of military females. The purpose is to exclude suspicious elements and prevent outsiders from bringing weapons into the royal family.

After the routine inspection, they were taken to the Insect King's palace for a second search checkpoint.

"Sir, please wear your bracelet."

After conducting a search, the servant handed a bracelet to Xiwen.

This is an energy suppression bracelet.

The materials used are extremely rare and are customized according to different levels. However, these bracelets are not exquisite gifts from the royal family. Just like the name of the bracelets, they are used to suppress the spiritual energy of male insects.

The one handed over by the servant was specially made for Xiwen's SSS-level spiritual energy level. Its energy interference wave can directly penetrate the cerebral cortex and force it into the male's mental sea, inhibiting 80% of energy release.

In order to ensure the safety of the Insect King, all insects that come into close contact with the Insect King must wear energy-suppressing bracelets. Xiwen was no exception. He took the bracelet and put it on his wrist. The moment the wrist was opened, an extremely penetrating, arrogant and sharp interference wave penetrated directly into the spiritual sea and penetrated.

The pain was like a long needle piercing the brain, exploding rapidly in the spiritual sea. The stronger the energy level of the male insect, the more sensitive the spiritual sea area. Once the spiritual sea is damaged, the pain will be magnified countless times.

This is undoubtedly torture.

"Are you okay?" Winn was a little worried.

"It's okay." Xiwen frowned and cooled his eyes to calm the stinging sensation.

After checking, the servants on the side finally opened the palace door.

The flashy sculptures reveal the majesty of noble etiquette. With a heavy creaking sound, the smell of decay rushed out from the crack in the door.

"Sir, please." The servant signaled.

Xiwen followed Winn and walked in.

"Xiwen, are you here?" As soon as the two insects stepped in, a majestic voice echoed in the palace.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Winn replied, "I have brought Sivan."

"Sit down for Lord Xiwen." The Insect King ordered the servant.

Looking for the sound, he saw that it was not the Insect King himself. What he saw was a giant virtual projection. You could not see outside the virtual screen, but you could clearly see outside the screen from inside the screen. The Insect King was inside the screen. That end.

Except for the insect emperor's personal servant, almost no insect has ever seen the insect emperor's true appearance. Xiwen had seen the Insect King himself when he was a male, but this "mysterious" male wore a special mask, revealing only a pair of green eyes.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now