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"Aren't you the insect that broke into the royal family and attacked me?"

Warren stared at the unattractive female, as if he didn't notice the other person's changing expression, and suddenly reached out his hand to his waist and touched it along the waistline.

Sure enough, it feels the same.

He raised his lips and said, "I know this waist."

The atmosphere dropped instantly.

The Asian girl who was touched slightly narrowed her eyes, and her inquiring eyes roamed over Warren's face inch by inch, as if she wanted to see through the surface and see into Warren's heart. However, Warren remained unmoved, the corners of his lips remained curved, and his playful expression was just like that of the high-spirited Star Thief before he fell into despair.

Seeing the star thief like this, Yafei frowned.

After a moment, he looked closely and said, "Your spiritual realm has basically recovered."

"The probability of losing memory due to psychotropic agents is almost zero."

"Unless." Yafei paused and touched Warren's ears with both hands, "Someone has attacked your spiritual realm again."

His posture was intimate and his movements were like those of a lover, but the moment their skins touched, Warren clearly felt a spiritual thread quietly falling on the side of his neck, and then taking root suddenly!

This is the precursor of spiritual tentacles invading the sea!

The danger signal went off instantly.

Warren's eyes flashed, and he turned his head suddenly to disconnect the spiritual thread. The too-quick reaction caused the soft lips to brush against the back of the other person's hand, causing tiny ripples.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but if you want to use a honey bug trick."

"That's a pity, I'm not interested in your face." Warren tugged at the corners of his lips, his eyes full of wariness. The other party's temptations are getting tougher, and he must get away quickly.

Warren directly attacked the Asian female underneath him, hoping to take advantage of her and flip over. However, as if Yafei had expected it, she had already climbed on the rock and clasped the hand on the side of his neck tightly, and then pulled hard!

Under the unprepared impact, Warren smashed it down directly, and his lips hit the corner of the opponent's lips heavily. But at this moment, he no longer cares about these details, because the insect's spiritual tentacles have stretched out! And headed straight for his spiritual sea!

He wanted to force his way into his spiritual realm!

The weakness of the male worm transforming into a female worm finally appeared at this time. Warren's spiritual sea area could not resist the attack of the male worm's spiritual tentacles, especially when the opponent's combination with himself was extremely compatible.

His shameless spiritual realm even subconsciously opened the door to accept familiar spiritual tentacles...

"Uh..." His waters trembled, and Warren gritted his teeth.

Damn it, no!

Just when the fake female's spiritual tentacles were about to forcefully break into his sea area, Warren suddenly closed his sea area and fought back.

The fierce offensive made Warren unable to withstand it. The other party seemed determined to break into his spiritual realm and find out. The pain and inexplicable pleasure caused the trembling to intensify (please review carefully: he was fighting), and Warren gritted his teeth and cursed.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now