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"Seeking male..."

The unspeakable words came to his lips, but the hoarse voice stopped abruptly.

The sense of humiliation made Warren clenched his tongue, and the gaze from above seemed to have pierced his self-esteem with a sharp knife, making his chest ache.

Xiwen squatted right in front of him, and he saw clearly the face of the boy Xiongzi in the chaotic area in a daze.

Green eyes are gentle, like gods. But as the long crow-green eyelashes drooped and swept across a shadow, the color of the eyes became cold and piercing.

"Warren, my patience has a limit."

The indifferent voice pierced Warren's fantasy and jerked him back to the humiliating situation. The taste of rust in his mouth became stronger, and Warren let go of the tip of his tongue. A chill swept over his body, he tried his best to hold back the riotous emotions, and unwillingly lowered his eyes.

Xiwen forgot the inferior bugs he had donated in the chaotic zone.

But the current him is just a despicable male who wins trust and then stabs his knife...

No, not even males.

Warren sneered in his heart, he closed his eyes and hoarse his voice.

"... Please help me, Lord Xiong."

In the end, the rebellious bug opened its mouth.

Xiwen reached out to meet Warren's gaze.

When the dark emeralds met Azure's humiliated eyes, Warren truly realized how cold-blooded and dangerous the male in front of him was.

Perhaps Xiwen's posture has never changed, but he has already fallen into the quagmire.

Betrayed by his companions, his body forcibly transformed, and his male dignity destroyed, all the encounters were like pairs of ferocious hands pulling him down crazily.

Drag into the depths of the mire.

Physiologically, he has long since lost the qualification to fight against Xiwen.

But he is not reconciled.

Warren held back his unwillingness, and instinctively flashed Xiwen's gaze back. However, this flashback made Xiwen narrow his eyes slightly. A pair of hands pinched his jaw, forcing him to look into the eyes that reflected his ugly appearance again.

He saw his unruly being trampled into the mud.

"Look at your pitiful appearance now." Xiwen's voice was cold, and his scrutinizing eyes were like sharp knives, piercing through the fierce disguise to reach his trembling soul, "An insect like you is actually my enemy .”

"You are only worthy of being a female slave."

"No, those female slaves who were actually rescued from the underground exchange, the ambition to survive in every possible way is at least astonishing."

"Warren, you have nothing." Even the last bit of arrogance was trampled on.

Xiwen's words stung Warren thoroughly.

The insult given to him by his status as a female is far less painful than the contempt and denial of his mortal enemy.

He wants to take everything back from him.

The bug that transformed him will be smashed into thousands of pieces.

He wants to climb back to the top and engrave his name into the bones of his mortal enemy.

However, he has nothing.

In forbearance and struggle, Warren saw the male again in a trance.

Dirty and smelly chaotic area, hell among insects where the weak prey on the strong.

The bony worm competed with the star beast for food, gnawing on a piece of carrion in its mouth.

The pure white boots stopped.

A male son as beautiful as a god descended before his eyes.

"Give him a piece of animal meat." Xiongzi's voice was gentle.

The square handkerchief that was wiping his knuckles was so white that he had never seen it in the chaotic zone.

"Want?" The emerald eyes were gentle and tender, and Yubai's hands slowly folded the square handkerchief.

When the pure white was delivered to Warren's eyes, his soul was shocked at that second.

The god-like male son kept overlapping with Xiwen's figure.

The eagerness and wildness that burst out fiercely occupied the eyes.

Until the insect shadow separated, the deep blue covered the edge. Looking at the figure of the former god, Warren made a sound.

"help me."

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now