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Warren was thrown to the corner that had not yet collapsed. The sky was filled with smoke and dust. He ignored the pain of his body hitting the wall and looked around hastily.

I saw that the corner where Xiwen was originally was instantly swallowed up by a large area of ​​eaves and rocks!


He called Xiwen's name, trying to get a response, but the sound of falling rocks and burning flames buried all the weak sounds. Warren struggled to stand up. Whether it was due to gravity or uncontrollable panic, his legs were shaking slightly.

Ahead, there are rocks falling continuously. The entire beam is crumbling, and there is a possibility of a second collapse. Behind them were raging flames wrapped in thick fog, rushing over with teeth and claws.

This is not the most urgent thing. The most urgent thing is that there is an explosive device here!

Even if Xiwen still survives, once the fire spreads to the next explosive device, the explosion will cause the entire exchange to collapse.

Even SSS-level males are in danger.

Hot sweat broke out on his forehead, and Warren tried his best to calm down. Xiven would not die so easily, he convinced himself, but what to do now?

The brain is racing.

"Lord Xiwen——"

Suddenly he heard the sound of military females searching at the entrance of the passage, behind the thick fog and fierce fire.

The military females are looking for Xiwen.

A dark light flashed in Warren's eyes. As long as he made a sound, the military female would quickly extinguish the fire, and perhaps rescue Xiwen from the rubble before it exploded.

And he could take the opportunity to escape.

No, he could even hide Xiwen's existence, pretend to be an innocent insect, and let the military female rescue him, and then Chaos would directly join Bruce and escape.

Xiwen died, and the military lost a senior commander.

He can also be regarded as avenging his dead companions...

Warren hesitated.

The hot sweat on his forehead slid down his chin and dripped onto his rolling Adam's apple.

His heart was beating and his feet were withdrawing.


Sivan Jacob.


As if feeling the separation between life and death at this moment, the two eggs in his belly began to tremble, twitching like sobbing.

"..." Why on earth did Xiwen want to save him!

"Damn it!"

He just wants the eggs in his belly!

Warren gritted his teeth and stopped suddenly.

He shouted toward the depths of the fire, "Sivan Jacob is here! He's pinned down by rocks!"

The footsteps of the military female came closer and closer.

The turbulent drums in his heart were calmed, and Warren's chaotic heart finally calmed down.

Ignoring the crumbling building above him that was about to collapse for the second time, he ran to the rocks and began to move the rocks away with great effort.

The area of ​​the collapse group was so large that Warren could no longer distinguish Xiwen's specific location.

"Xiwen." He called Xiwen's name loudly.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now