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The fingertips moved down, and the knot was slowly picked up.

Under the rough knot, the red Adam's apple was exposed. Unlike its tough and unruly main insect, this trembling Adam's apple looks small and pitiful in the air.

The stronger and stronger the female insect's body is, the more fragile and beautiful such fatal parts appear. Xiwen looked at the Adam's apple in front of him, his emerald eyes filled with a smile, dangerous and touching.

"It's so pitiful." It's pitiful.

Warren's expression changed. Before he could react, Xiwen let go of his hand, and the tight knot rebounded and rubbed against it.

Warren groaned, and his red Adam's apple trembled sensitively again.

On the almost naked skin, the friction of the rough rope seemed to be concentrated on the Adam's apple, which was painful and itchy but could not be relieved.

"Let go!" Warren felt bad, and the indescribable touch made him feel tortured. He tried his best to distinguish Xiwen's position through the black satin in front of him. It flickered, and a vague insect shadow stood in front of him.

Xiwen was looking at him.

He looked at it silently.

It's like watching prey, or admiring your own artwork. Warren couldn't ignore the sight with a strong presence. Xiwen did not move, but Warren felt a pair of invisible hands caressing his body.

Open your fingers, rub and twist from the fragile neck all the way down...

The breath becomes chaotic and the space becomes invisible and cramped.

The silence became unbearable, and Warren clenched his fists as his gaze burned him. Even though he had had more in-depth contact, Warren was still embarrassed by being shown like this in front of his sworn enemy - almost naked and tied up in a dirty way.

Xiwen saw his shame.

He fiddled with his fragile neck and asked, "Can't you bear this?"

"Just like that, you still dare to risk your life to hook up with Fikr?" His light tone fell like a feather, but Xiwen's eyes gradually became colder.

He clicked Warren in the name of Fickell, and instead of avoiding him, the star thief broke into the room single-handedly.

"If you hurt Fikr, you have offended the nobles and the Male Insect Protection Association behind them. As long as Fikr comes today, if Fikr has a grudge and uses the power of the nobles and the association to catch you, do you think they Will you just educate you with good intentions like me?" Xiwen asked coldly.

He always liked the feeling of layout and control, patiently casting the net, watching the prey step into the net, and then taking action casually. But Warren was obviously different from him. The Star Thief was too arrogant. Even if he knew it was a trap and knew he was only a few percent sure, he still dared to fight to the death.

Warren knew the meaning of Xiwen's words, but he didn't understand why Xiwen said these words to him. Could it be that you are worried about him?

As soon as the idea came up, Warren laughed at himself. He "stabbed" Xiwen, and Xiwen led his army to attack them without mercy, even killing them all. He is not so pretentious as to think that his mortal enemy has a mental problem and likes him.

"What kind of little nobles like Fickel are?" No star thief looks down on these male insect nobles who were cultivated in the greenhouse. Warren's voice was a little hoarse, but the corners of his lips curled up, "Even if it's that old guy from Farde today, he still has to cry when he sees me."

Hearing Warren's words, Xiwen narrowed his eyes slightly.

The black satin covered Warren's eyes, but without taking it off, Xiwen could imagine how bold and unruly the eyes were under the satin.

He laughed silently in anger.

With heavy eyes, his hand slid down Warren's neck. He leaned into the ear of this tough-talking insect and said, "I want my male father to cry and run away when he sees you, and then lie under me and stop crying first."

Warren's lips stiffened.

The irregular hand on his body felt clearly, and Warren was once again stirred up with heat. It was impossible to get Xiwen to loosen his bonds. He mocked, "Those females should really see how powerful their commander is..."

The body suddenly stiffened.

Warren gritted his teeth and squeezed out the curse word from between his teeth, "Pervert."

"Are you perverted?" Xiwen glanced at Warren's body and approached. As if he had had enough of teasing, he untied the black ribbon covering Warren's eyes, but put his lips to his ear and whispered, "Do your pirates know who you really are?"

"Your deputy."

"Mia has seen you like this?"

Xiwen's eyes dropped from the honey-red neck to Warren's disheveled clothes. This insect exuded an aura of invitation without exception.

"Shameless." His voice was light.

His hands pulled off the black satin.

As the silk satin slid down, Xiwen's lips smiled as he looked into Warren's eyes that were red from the heat, "I didn't use energy to seduce you."

The male insect is as beautiful as a holy son, with a gentle and beautiful smile. But there was a dark and cold light in his eyes, and the hand that stretched out to lift the female's chin was distant and cold.

"Who else would let you throw yourself into my arms like this?"

That Mia?

Like a judge, Sivan looked at Warren's expression and his body bound by ropes. The gentle and disguised smile is just right, so good that it makes the insects under you feel angry and itchy.

His hands lifted the opponent's legs and pushed them up until they reached the shape of the thirteenth English letter.

Xiwen smiled and said, "Keep this posture."

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now