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“Come here.”

Staring at the worker insect Warren curled his lips, stretched out his imprisoned hands, and shook them . The handcuff chains made a crisp sound, attracting the workers' attention.

The worker insect clicked his tongue impatiently, but forgot about this problem. The female slave's hands had to be untied first before she could take off her clothes for "examination".

He walked over, preparing to use his fingerprints to unlock Warren's handcuffs. But when he could catch a glimpse of the sexy and deep collarbone under the jet black hair, and the honey-colored plump chest muscles that were looming through the clothes, Gongchong suddenly changed his attention.

He withdrew his hand and licked the corners of his lips.

Looking straight at Warren, "dress check."

ordered, "Go over and lie down on the bed!"

"Lie down?" The sharp eyebrows were raised slightly.

Warren raised his feet and took a step closer. Forced directly in front of the worker insect, the female insect was tall and tall, half a head taller than the worker insect. There was still a slight smile on his lips, but the fierce aura in his eyes was gradually revealed. As if shrouded in a shadow, the workers felt a strong sense of trembling and oppression.

This is just a bitch who is just pressed on the bed and used as a venting tool.

The worker insect gritted his teeth and said in a stern voice to the male insect behind him, "Brother, come here and help. You take off his clothes and put him on the bed. I'll let you First."

"Okay." The male insect responded happily and walked behind the worker insect, "But I heard that this is Lord Xiwen's female slave, I'm not sure that Lord will return. I will personally take him away..."

The worker sneered instantly, looked at Warren and humiliated him, "Bitches like this have been played to death a long time ago, and they have all been sent to prison. The exchange still expects those nobles to take him out?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand towards Warren.

The hands are restrained, but the legs are still flexible. Warren kicked the worker's abdomen violently. He heard a muffled sound and kicked the worker away with a powerful kick. He didn't stop and directly attacked the other male.

Like a lion hunting, his sharp and dangerous eyes met.

The male was startled.

"Don't!" He subconsciously stepped back and gave the worker insect on the ground a few kicks, stomping the insect unconscious. "Look, we are in the same group!"

Warren's eyes narrowed slightly, and the male insect's voice sounded familiar. The face seems to have been greatly adjusted, but the original appearance can be vaguely seen between the eyebrows and eyes.

"Merck?" Warren spit out a name.

Merck is a military doctor in Xiwen’s army and is considered to be in the logistics department. They also met at Xiwen's residence. Sivan put his military doctor in?

"It's me." As Warren expected, Merck replied, "The boss arranged for me to come in. I arrived a few days before you, and my task is to pick you up."

How many days earlier than him?

Warren narrowed his eyes slightly. It had only been two short days since he made up his mind to explore the exchange, but Xiwen had already inserted his own worm into it.

From the beginning, Xiwen was certain that he would go to the exchange voluntarily. He calculated every step and saw through every movement.

In a trance, Warren seemed to see the male insect.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now