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In the incubator, the eggshell cracked again.

Not long after Warren left, the round eggshell became dented due to cracks.

The little female cub was still smacking her mouth while she was sleeping soundly. There was a rustling sound, and two tentacles suddenly shot out from the cracks in the eggshell. Eggs that are forcibly cracked cannot fall off naturally. A claw pushed out from the eggshell, and the small claws kept breaking off the hard eggshell.

I do not know how long it has been.

The female cub, who was sleeping soundly, turned over, and suddenly there was a "pop" sound. It was not strong but the sound was crisp. The claws hit the little female cub's face. The frightened little female cub's antennae on its head twitched, but she did not wake up immediately.


Another crisp paw.

The little female cub finally felt slight pain, and her pouty lips shrank again and again. It babbled dissatisfiedly and opened its eyes suddenly. A pair of big tearful eyes were full of grievances, but when she saw what was in front of her, the little female cub was suddenly stunned.

"Yeah?" It tilted its head curiously.

He saw a cub that was a little smaller than him sitting in front of him. Black, thick hair, slightly curly. Its face is so transparent that its pale pink mouth looks juicy and elastic. The male cub had no expression, as if his lips were slightly pursed. Carved from pink and jade, it is too beautiful to be true.

Especially on the pink and almost transparent face, the eyes that are as clear and bright as emeralds are set in place. The little male egg looks like a different species from the Zerg, like an elf.

"Aba?" The little female cub drooled, tilting her head and staring blankly at the little male cub. With stars in his big blue eyes, he suddenly hugged the male cub and slapped it on the male cub's face!

The female cub's baby teeth have just emerged, and her baby teeth are itching and her feet are burning and she wants to grind them. The little female cub sucked the male cub's face and grinded her teeth. The little male cub's face was rubbed red and drool appeared on his face.

The little male cub still had little expression. He stretched out his unskilled paw and patted the female cub on the head. Involuntarily, two small antennae touched the two antennae on the top of the female cub's head.

The tips of the four tentacles touch each other.

Subtle messages passed between cubs.

The little female cub relaxed her mouth, suddenly looked at the male cub, blinked her eyes, and made a "croak" sound.

After a while, the little female cub crawled out of the incubator on all fours. It hugged the male cub's eggshell and walked to the closed door. The little female cub looked back at the male cub in the incubator. The small antennae on the head of the dignified and beautiful male cub trembled a few times. As if she was inspired, the female cub immediately screamed fiercely, "Bah, bah, bah, bah!"

It kept kicking the door of the training room with its limbs, as if it wanted to make noise to attract the military females who came to see the door. The plan worked, and the two military females guarding the room opened the closed door. As soon as the military female opened it, she saw a cute female cub with deep dimples in her arms. The female cub held the cracked eggshell and stretched it towards the military female.

Looking at the innocent cub and the cracked eggshell, the two military females paused slightly. One of them reacted and said, "Did the male cub's egg break?"

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now