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Two choices were laid out, either register or break the egg. Compared with suspicious potions with unknown origins, choosing Xiwen's plan can protect his spiritual realm as much as possible and ensure his life safety.

Needless to say, these are two perfect solutions.

He had always wanted to break these two eggs that shouldn't exist, and a second ago, he did exactly that, and even almost succeeded.

But at this moment, when Xiwen brought it up in person, Warren was inexplicably hesitant.

"Your choice?"

Xiwen was waiting for his answer.

The male didn't give him a chance to breathe at all, almost forcing him to do so.

Warren's eyebrows knitted together. He looked at Xiwen's face. No matter what, registering with Xiwen was a ridiculous and immoral thing. What he needs is to stay away from danger, not become prey wrapped in a spider's web.

In the silence, Warren's heart gradually sank.

He opened his mouth and made a rational choice.

"Knock it off."

Warren couldn't ignore the rawness in his throat as the words came out of his mouth. Xiwen on the opposite side did not say a word until a few seconds after he came over, his voice turned cold.

His gaze passed over Warren's abdomen, "If you are sure, do it as soon as possible."

"Allowing the two eggs to develop before performing surgery will cause greater damage to the body and the mental realm." He said in a routine manner, "In the next two days, I will arrange for Merck to come over to confirm the situation and help you perform the surgery."

Warren had no objection to Sivan's arrangement.

The male behaves perfectly, even when he breaks his own eggs.

Warren nodded, but his abdomen suddenly felt painful. The abdomen seemed to be connected to the heart, and the throbbing pain actually spread to the heart. For a moment, Warren couldn't tell whether he was affected by the egg or other reasons...

His face looked ugly.

Xiwen stretched out his hand, and Warren instinctively dodged, but still could not avoid Xiwen's movement. Xiwen's hand fell on his abdomen, and warm spiritual energy was transferred there, effectively relieving the pain in his abdomen.

As if feeling the powerful and stable aura of the male father, the two eggs also calmed down from the panic. Even Warren felt the gradually growing round egg tip rubbing pitifully and affectionately between the belly and the cloth. Xiwen's palm.

Warren clenched his fingers unconsciously.

Looking up and within touching distance, the caressing also seems tender.

However, Xiwen's reminder voice was extremely cold, "Warren, this is your choice."

No one was willing to let go, and Xiwen acted quickly.

The next day, Merck really came from the military headquarters. Merck was shocked when he got the news that he would help Warren crack two eggs. He didn't understand why he suddenly wanted to break the egg again?

Full of doubts, he hurried from the military headquarters.

Xiwen, whom Merck went to see first, opened the study door. His boss didn't seem to be sad about this and was still feeding the fish in the fish tank leisurely.

When I saw him, I just glanced at him and then continued to feed the fish.

Merk suddenly felt worthless for the two poor eggs.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now