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The marshal stared at the female insect in Xiwen's arms and frowned.

Once again, because of the appearance of a female slave... Xiwen deviated from his direction.

The marshal clenched his index finger and said, "You don't have to call Merck. Panier is here. Send him over."

Panier is the royal military doctor and stays with the marshal all year round.

If Panier diagnoses something, it's bound to cause some unnecessary trouble. Xiwen looked at the marshal with a faint look in his eyes, "I trust Merck."

The marshal frowned upon hearing this, "Pannier is not worthy of your trust?"

"Xiwen, or am I not worthy of your trust?" He confronted Xiwen.

As a military marshal, he rarely had excessive mood swings, but a female slave could easily shake his nerves. A female slave has already snatched Xiwen away, which is enough to break away from the Jacob family. Another one is needed to make Xiwen completely deviate from him and them...


The marshal's face was grim.

The next second I heard Xiwen say, "At least Merck will not go against my wishes."

He was blaming them.

The marshal suddenly fell silent, and the interrogator looked over hesitantly. After a moment, he pursed his lips and finally nodded.

Military medical room.

Merck, who was summoned, performed a routine scan on the unconscious Warren.

"Did a mental interrogation device be used on him?" Merck's expression was not very good. You must know that the mental sea of ​​this insect has been severely damaged by the transformation of the insect body. If you want to use the mental interrogation equipment of the military department, it is simply... Take his life.

"I have repeatedly proposed to the military that mental interrogation equipment should not be used on any female insects, but they just refused to listen! It is too traumatic, and it is simply cruel and inhumane abuse!" Merck's face was heavy, and he remembered the man named Poor bitch of Iroh. Some said angrily, "Although he is...but there is no fundamental difference between what the scum does to the female insects in the exchange."

He checked.

The sea area that was forcibly pried open by the mental interrogation equipment was like a dry river at the moment, but luckily it didn't kill the bug directly.

The supply of SSS-level energy is indeed effective... Merck was pondering when suddenly, accompanied by a faint pulsing sound, a line of weaker energy stretched out from the dry sea.

Merck was stunned for a moment, with a look of disbelief suddenly appearing in his eyes.

The instrument moved down, trembling slightly, to Warren's abdomen. Although very faint, the pulsating sound and energy are particularly clear under high-tech detection.

"No..." he muttered.

It’s two energies!

"How is it possible?" Merck raised the instrument and said stubbornly, "Is it really possible? Is there something wrong with the instrument?"

Seeing Merck's reaction, Xiwen's suspicion was faintly confirmed. He glanced down at Warren, "What's going on?"

Merk's lips twitched and he looked at Xiwen with shock on his face, "He...he seems..."

"I'm pregnant."

Although he had already speculated, Xiwen's eyes were moved when he heard the verification from Merck. He held one side of his arm, and his slightly narrowed eyes made it impossible for Merck to guess his emotions.

"Yes..." Merck said an even more shocking fact, "two energies."

This was beyond his expectation.

The dropped hands covered his lips, the blue crow feathers trembled, and the raised eyes were unfathomable. After a while, Xiwen stared at the clueless insect on the bed and spoke clearly.

"Double yolk egg?"

"..." Merck's eyelids twitched.

That’s right to understand. The fertility of the Zerg race has deteriorated, and the fertility rate of female Zerg species has declined. However, in the final analysis, it is because the physical and mental levels of most male Zerg species are too low, making it difficult for them to crystallize in the bodies of female Zerg species.

Long-term evolution has led to the fact that the female worm can only lay one egg at a time. Even if she is pregnant with two more worm cubs, they will still have one egg shell and two yolks.

However, the phenomenon of double yolk eggs is also extremely rare.

If they are two female larvae, they are rare enough to be used as high-level trading items, just like the pair of larvae in Xiwen's house.

Xiwen's expression was too bland, which made Merck hesitate to speak. In the end, I couldn't hold it back anymore, and I held my frightened heart and asked carefully, "Boss... is this egg yours...?"

Xiwen glanced at him, and the dark and unclear look in his eyes made Merk's heart tremble. Then he heard Xiwen say, "The instrument is malfunctioning."

"Besides being traumatized in the spiritual realm, are there any other problems?"

Merck paused after hearing this. Do you want to pretend it doesn't exist? Does it mean to abort it?

What a crazy and twisted thing it is for a mortal enemy to be pregnant with his own insect cubs, especially when the enemy is the leader of the star thieves that the military requires to be exterminated. Merck couldn't figure out Xiwen's true consciousness, and his Adam's apple rolled down. He carefully answered, "No."

"Very good." Xiwen signaled, "Get out."

Merck came to a conclusion that he could explain and exited the room to report to the marshal, while Xiwen focused his attention on the insect's abdomen on the bed.

An egg.

Still double yellow.

He came closer and touched the insect's belly with his cold white hands.

Through the clothes, two weak energies met and touched lightly with the desire for life.

"Double yellow, it's a bit nerve-wracking." Xiwen said slowly.

As if hearing Xiwen's words, the two energies rushed to gather together as if they were afraid of being abandoned.

To entangle and please.

The light leaking obliquely from the gap in the glass hit the male insect's side face and reflected into his emerald green eyes. The mottled aperture is gentle, as if returning to the interstellar chaos many years ago. The handsome man in white military uniform, with a pure and holy appearance, stood in front of the scarred bug.

——“Want it?”

"Want to be born?"

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now