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Seeing Mia like this, the strangeness in Warren's heart reached its peak. It turns out that from the beginning, Mia joined the Star Thieves with a purpose and used them with ulterior motives to achieve her own goals.

For its own obsession, this insect resorted to any means and even killed all of his companions who had fought side by side with him.

Warren couldn't tolerate it, "So, you are willing to kill all the Star Thieves for this?"

Mia did more than that, and Warren remembered the mole hidden among the Star Thieves that he had been tracking down. Undoubtedly, all of this pointed directly at the terrifying insect in front of him.

Although he had doubts, he still couldn't believe that Mia would really do such a thing. But now, the evidence is not yet in front of them, and this bug is not even willing to continue to cover up.

Warren felt angry, "At the beginning, you deliberately made me think that Xiwen wanted to repay kindness with vengeance and attack Huangxing."

Mia asked Chong to deliberately mistransmit Xiwen's information, making him mistakenly believe that it was Xiwen who informed the army of revenge and came to encircle and suppress them. At the critical moment when the military was about to set foot on the deserted star again to start a life-and-death battle with them, in order to preserve the overall situation, he did not have time to ask Xiwen for confirmation, so he could only throw Xiwen directly on the deserted star to avoid letting him interact with the empire's military. Convergence.

Warren didn't know that Xiwen had already planned to negotiate with the Star Thieves at that time. And he left the male insect alone on the deserted star, turned around and led the star thieves to attack Xiwen's base...

That’s when the “betrayal” started.

But he didn't receive the signal from Xiwen's negotiation at all!

Warren's face turned completely cold and he suppressed his anger, "It was you who hid the news that Xiwen proposed negotiations."

Mia didn't answer.

But Warren is certain.

He was causing trouble in everything.

He has only one purpose, and that is to arouse the conflict between the Star Thieves and the Empire and plunge the entire Zerg race into turmoil. Then taking advantage of the chaos in the military headquarters, let the Lante people take the opportunity to take root in the military headquarters.

What Mia and those lizards want is the collapse of the entire Zerg race

In order to achieve their "grand" goal, he did not hesitate to blow up their ship and kill all his companions! But all the star thieves died, but Mia let him live.

Warren's temples curled up, and the memory fragments were completely put together in the pain.

Dark underground laboratory.

The first second he woke up, he found himself tied to a cold operating table. The light of the explosion dimly shone in front of his eyes, and Warren was shocked by the death of his companions. The Lante aliens used the only surviving Mia as a threat to force him to submit and accept insect transformation, and Mia, the initiator, did not hesitate to put on a wonderful show for this.

He was forced to accept it.

The cruel transformation of the insect body made his body more and more strange, so strange that it seemed as if he was no longer himself. The sedatives and inducers made Warren groggy all day long, but during his brief period of wakefulness, his brain became calmer and calmer.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now