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The energy of the aircraft explosion was so intense and terrifying that the corpses of the lizard and the military female at the explosion site were blown into pieces. It was impossible to tell which parts of the intertwined corpses came from, let alone use information such as clothes to identify the victims.

Powers said in a deep voice, "Xiwen, that star thief may have..."

But looking at Xiwen who was becoming increasingly silent and depressed, Bowers still couldn't bear to tell him this cruel fact.

The star thief is dead.

There is no whole body in death.

In the past two months of searches, the other party's body could not be found at all. Even if it was found, there was no trace of the other party's body tissue. Such searches were completely in vain.

"Xiwen, stop." It's no use.

However, Xiwen did not listen to his advice.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Continue the search."

The low and hoarse voice was tinged with paranoia. This noble and arrogant commander had long lost his elegant and composed demeanor.

He looked a little tired.

His beautiful green eyes were dull, his almost pale complexion, slightly pursed dry lips, and the blue circles under his eyelids all made him look so mentally exhausted.

Powers couldn't help but think that the star thief really taught Xiwen a heavy lesson.

He cruelly asked Xiwen to watch him die in front of him, and watched him risk his life to get out of Xiwen's control.

Warren's goal was accomplished.

The arrogant and arrogant male was defeated, even a piece of his heart was missing and seemed to be throbbing.

Sivan repeated the order, "Bowles, continue the search."

Powers couldn't stand it any longer, and he said sternly, "Just like the explosion we were searching for, how could there be any insects left alive!"

When the aircraft ship led by Warren exploded, the situation was exactly the same as now, and almost no insects survived that time.

But Xiwen caught the point and murmured, "Bowles, didn't he escape death that time?"

However, that time, Mia had already planned to take Warren away before the aircraft exploded, but this time, how could Warren escape from the explosion even though he was seriously injured...?

Bowers frowned, but in the end he still didn't expose Xiwen's hypothesis. He knew that Xiwen knew it in his heart, but he just didn't want to admit it.

He didn't wait for Bowles' answer, or maybe Xiwen didn't care about Bowles' answer at all. He waved his hand and said calmly, "Bowers, go down."

Bowers had no choice but to exit Sivan's office and continue arranging the search according to his requirements. When he left, he saw the marshal coming towards him. The marshal was holding a female cub in his arms and holding a beautiful male cub in his hand.

The two cubs were surprisingly well-behaved at the moment and followed the marshal to Powers. The marshal asked, "How is it?"

Powers sighed and replied, "Continue the search."

Bowers' answer made the marshal understand, and he frowned slightly. Then he nodded and walked towards Xiwen's office with the two cubs.

Push the door open and enter.

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