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"Want to play together?"

The sinister eyes of the hanging triangle stared straight at him, and the soft blond hair was stroked in his hands. Hearing Nero's words, finally the blond-haired master insect consciousness came as an uninvited guest. The dark green misty eyes glanced over, and the moment they touched Xiwen, their pupils constricted suddenly.

"...Xiwen." The liquid-stained lips forgot to open and close, and more viscous liquid slid down the corners of the lips...

Sharp eyebrows frowned.

Disgust flashed in Warren's eyes as Nero stroked the face similar to Sivan. Lucille and Nero's disgusting behavior was undoubtedly humiliating Sivan, and Warren was almost certain.

This Lante star was intentional.

He glanced at the male beside him, whose expression was so indifferent that he couldn't detect any extra emotions. Suddenly, Xiwen lifted his foot and walked towards the center of the filth. As Xiwen approached, Lucille, who was kneeling on the ground, trembled slightly.

Military boots stopped.

"Beauty Chong, play with your little female slave?" Nero's eyes lingered on Xiwen. The tip of the long tongue brushed over the sharp fangs, and the pair of dark yellow eyes set on the dark blue skin revealed a strange smile.

Like a giant monster.

Sticking out its long blue tongue to dismantle the beautiful male in front of its belly.

"Want to play?"

Xiwen's voice was faint, and the worm couldn't detect any emotion in the emerald eyes. But he didn't look at the Lante star, and looked down at Lucille who was kneeling on the ground with a cold gaze.

The male of Jacob's family, like a female animal being played by Gu Shaoshen, cocked its waist and hips, knelt down in front of the alien creature and swallowed the disgusting liquid.

There was no emotion in Xiwen's gaze, but Lucille felt that the gaze of this tall worm was like a sharp knife that had been scorched by the fire, burning and cutting his skin inch by inch. Let him be bloody, and turn his face away with no shame.

"No face?"

The shiny military boots stuck to the long, sticky golden hair, lifting Lucier's jaw.

The similar emerald eyes flashed threatening, Lucille's face twisted, "Xiwen, why do you teach me? Just rely on your vulgar, crazy female father?"

"I don't know how many banquet halls that bitch has been sent to, and how many males have played with it! Even if you kill him, you will still have the blood of that bitch bitch on your body!" Lucier said without hesitation. , the words are extremely vicious.

But the content of the words caused Warren to blink.

The expected anger did not appear, but Xiwen chuckled instead. The moment the deep voice overflowed along the rolling Adam's apple, the emerald eyes dimmed. The toe of the boot, stepped on his face from the chin.

Suddenly, forcefully.

Lucille's face was rubbed against the ground fiercely, and the vicious words stepped into his throat, shattering into pieces.

"Don't be like a dog, kneeling and barking at me."

He lectured Lucille without even looking at Nero.

But Nero's expression suddenly changed, becoming increasingly difficult to look at. The intuitive and terrifying mental energy was like a heavy hand, pressing hard on Nero's shoulders. It seemed as if he wanted to break his bones and smash his flesh.

The pain of the sharp tearing of bone and flesh made Nile's narrow and dark eyes narrow.

Xiwen is trying to make an example to others.

After a while, Nero's expression changed.

"Oh, Master Xiwen really lives up to his reputation."

The blue creature's feet trembled faintly, but feeling Xiwen's incomparable and wonderful energy, as well as that face polished by the white moonlight, the eyes suddenly became excited and greedy.

Lucille is just a defective product.

Only a lofty and powerful bug like Xiwen can arouse the beast's desire to conquer.

The forked tongue slowly licked the fangs again, Nero stared at Xiwen greedily, and stretched out his hand, "Lante Star has a friendly alliance with the Zerg, and I hope that I can have friendly and in-depth exchanges with you in the future."

He bit down on the syllables of the words, and wrapped his cheeky eyes on Xiwen.

Inexplicably, Warren's discomfort turned to discomfort.

Perhaps the sight of the Lante star was too disgusting, or perhaps he had seen too many alien creatures torturing refugees in the chaotic zone, which made him disgusted.

"Blue Lizard, don't you want to communicate with me in depth?"

Warren suddenly made a sound. He lifted his canine teeth and smiled at Nero. The black hair was flamboyant, and there was a tenacity and cruelty in the blue eyes.

The original ancestors of the Lante people were indeed lizards.

But the word "blue lizard" is undoubtedly contemptuous and demeaning to them.

Nero narrowed his eyes slightly.

He also has a strong interest in this fit and sexy body.

The blue lizard slowly smiled, his eyes wanton and arrogant, "cute, how do you want to communicate in depth? Use your cute little bone wings?"

Warren's eyes turned cold instantly, but the unruly smile on the corners of his lips did not hold back. He glanced at Xiwen, and those emerald eyes met.

In just an instant, Warren slammed into Nile.

The Star Bandit's fight was fierce and swift, and Nero had no choice but to get serious about his dense fists and kicks. Kankan dodged, and the long eyes of the prey flashed viciously, trying to use his energy to interfere with the female's sea area.

The moment the energy hit his face, fragmented fragments flashed in Warren's mind. The dark laboratory, fangs, sharp claws, and poisonous energy tentacles attacking wildly...

The pain in the sea was aroused, and Warren pressed the tip of his tongue against the tooth. Just when Nero's energy tentacles were about to pierce into Warren's sea area, a stronger spiritual energy crushed him, instantly blocking his energy back!

Nero's limbs are limited.

At the same time, Warren's eyes froze. The corners of his lips were wild, and he seized the opportunity suddenly, and kicked the blue lizard hard into the fountain with an explosive kick that frightened the insects.


A huge splash of water fell, and the embarrassed lizard clenched its teeth. A pair of long and narrow animal eyes staring viciously at a pair of cooperating bugs.

Warren stepped on the edge of the fountain, leisurely looking at the large lizard in front of him. The words on the lips were domineering, "Do you want to communicate again?"

The Lante Stars formed an alliance with the Zerg. As the military commander, Xiwen might not have a direct conflict with the Lante Stars, but he didn't need to. There is deep loathing in Wei Lan's eyes, he loathes these bullying, dirty and disgusting Lanters both physically and psychologically.

The blue lizard was kicked into the water, and Xiwen looked away. His gaze stayed on Warren for a moment, and then he raised his military boots that were on Lucille's face.

"Xivan, you made a move on Master Nero. You provoked a dispute between the two clans, and wait to be held accountable!" Lucier struggled, gnashing his teeth and staring at Xiwen.

Xiwen chuckled lightly.

Looking at the stupid bug in front of him, he thought he could fight against the Lante star?

The emerald eyes were cold and contemptuous, "Idiot."

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now