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The roar of the gunboats brushed against the wings of the warships.

The flaming tail was out of control, and the warship descended at a terrifying speed. The military female pilot shouted urgently, "The falling speed is too fast and we cannot make an emergency landing!"

The cockpit was in chaos, and in the passenger cabin, Warren held his abdomen in pain. The two eggs, stimulated by external forces, eagerly want to break away from the female body, scrambling to squeeze out at the critical moment. Merck just came over from the cockpit, checking on Warren and the two eggs.

"It's time to give birth." He was sweating profusely.

It just so happens that at this time, the two eggs are so good at joining in the fun!

"There are medical tools in the cabin, but..." Before Merck could finish speaking, a stray bullet flew past the ship's hull, and the warship suddenly veered off course. Gravity was out of control, and the items in the cabin slammed to one side. Sivan and Merck quickly stabilized Warren to prevent him from being stimulated by external forces again.

Merck swallowed as he witnessed the near-miss and flame-laden stray bullet bombing past the cabin window. He looked at Xiwen, "There is no way to perform surgery here!"

Warships may crash and explode at any time.

Xiwen frowned.

In pain, Warren curled up his fingers, grabbed the back of Xiwen's hand in a venting manner, and scratched the bloody mark on the back of his hand. Sivan allowed him to move, but if the operation was not performed as soon as possible, Warren would most likely have difficulty giving birth.

"Open the rescue cabin!" He quickly ordered.

You must first leave the warship and land.

Xiwen grabbed Warren's wrist, leaned over, and put his forehead against his. Since the spiritual energy could not replenish the two eggs, Xiwen transferred the energy to Warren's spiritual sea to replenish his energy.

The warmth spread between the matching foreheads, and the calm green eyes tried to comfort Warren. Xiwen touched Warren's face and whispered, "Warren, hold on a little longer."

"Damn it." Warren scolded as he was swept by the surge of pain, "Do you want to be finished?"

Do you want the two eggs to be really finished?

The pain caused the insect to collapse, but Warren also knew that this was not the right time to lay eggs. He wished he could hold the eggs back in, but he couldn't control the two eggs trying to escape from the female's body.

Warren's lips and teeth turned white, he pressed the two eggs and gritted his teeth and said, "Two preserved eggs! Wait for you to come out and smash the chestnuts together."

Time was running out, so Xiven went directly to the cockpit after the deployment, while Merck first fixed Warren into the rescue capsule. Behind the warship, several large warships bombed wildly. A few minutes later, two stray bullets hit the wings again, just after a loud boom.


Amidst the deafening explosion, the fire lit up the vast universe. In front of the red planet, a huge mushroom cloud bloomed.

The warship was bombed, and the decomposed hull and stray bullets fell straight into the desert like meteors. At the same time, several rescue capsules had been successfully launched from the warships and headed straight for the Desolate Star.

Several warships chasing after them also discovered the rescue capsule. They did not give up but pursued them, and they were bound to blow up Xiwen and his group of insects on the deserted star. Fortunately, the rescue capsule is small and much more flexible than a large warship. The rescue capsule shuttles and dodges among stray bullets and quickly approaches the deserted star.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now