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"Reception room."

Xiwen glanced in the direction of the reception room, and Bowers looked over with interest.

It was a normal-looking piece of normal glass with nothing on either side. Bowers picked up the remote control on the desktop and pressed it. In an instant, the glass flashed brightly. Immediately afterwards, an insect shadow appeared on the opposite side of the glass.

It was Warren in the reception room.

Bowers smiled and looked at Xiwen with a little complacency. However, when he glanced back at the worm shadow on the other side of the glass, the smile on his lips suddenly froze.

"Warren Clinton!"

Almost instantly, he stood up with a "crack". Because the movement of standing up was too big, Dai overturned the teacup in hand.

The cup overturned, wet the document.

But Bowers didn't have time to think about it, and walked quickly to the glass, staring at the worm inside in shock with wide-eyed eyes, black hair, blue eyes, and that unruly face.

Warren was sitting in the reception room.

Looking around vigilantly, he happened to meet Bowers' eyes through the special glass.

Bowers' heart skipped a beat.

"Sivan, you have to explain what's going on?" He scratched his hair. "Warren Clinton didn't die? He survived the explosion?"

"Insect God! He's still at the military headquarters, how did you bring him here?" Bowers couldn't believe it, and his brain quickly started to replay, "You met him from the underground female insect exchange, so why did he come here?" will appear there?"

"No, the most important thing right now is to control him. Don't let him escape!"

Bowers looked excited, but Xiwen's expression was calm.

"Bowers, calm down." Xivan walked to the glass and followed Bowers to look at the bugs inside.

The vigilant bug sat there, thinking about something with a calm expression.

"This is Warren Clinton, this is a meritorious service!" Back then, he and Xiwen almost caught Warren with their own hands, but Warren's ship suddenly exploded. Under that kind of dense and powerful explosion, all the worms thought it was impossible for Warren to survive.

If Warren Clinton could be caught alive now, it would be a great regret in his military career. Countless thoughts flashed in Bowles' mind, but Xiwen suddenly broke the cold water in the next second.

"This is not Warren Clinton."

"How is it possible?" Bowles blurted out, and there was no second such similar worm in the world.

However, Xiwen hit him hard again.

"He's a female bug."

"..." Bowers was stunned suddenly.

Because he was too shocked, he didn't look carefully at the sex of the bug. After calming down, Powers took a closer look, and after a while, he began to doubt his eyes.

"Xiwen, there may be something wrong with my eyes." He was annoyed.

How could it be a female insect inside!

Is it a female insect?

Bowles stared at Sivan, "Did Warren Clinton undergo any surgery? For example, worm modification...?"

"I checked, and he has female stripes and bone wings."

"Do you think that the existing Zerg technology can reach the level where bone wings can be transplanted into male insects and survive and grow?" Xiwen said calmly.

The bone wings and female stripes of the Zerg are different from other limbs and organs. Due to the exclusiveness of the Zerg gene, the female stripes and bone wings have become the most unique genetic features that can be identified by each female. Transplantation between the same kind is exclusive, not to mention males with different energy from females.

Powers fell silent.

It is true that the Zerg cannot decipher the unique genes of female insects, and cannot achieve this technology.

"If he's not Warren ... then who is he?" Powers muses after a moment.

"It is very likely that it is Warren's lost twin brother." Xiwen said slowly, "I rescued him from the underground female exchange, and asked him some things tentatively. This female does not know Warren, and even Even the memories of the past are lost. You also know the means of underground female exchanges..."

"It's so similar..." Bowles looked at Warren and couldn't help sighing.

He still couldn't believe that it wasn't Warren inside, but he looked sideways at Xiwen. The face that had faded from tenderness was calm and indifferent, and the words he said were inexplicably convincing.

If it was really Warren Clinton, Sivan himself would have wanted to kill him right away. After all, Warren Clinton verbally provoked and ridiculed Sivan more than once or twice. The two worms have been rivals for so many years.

"What do you intend to bring him?" asked Powers.

Xiwen folded his arms, and stared at Warren who began to wait and see with his dark green eyes. After a while, he said in a deep voice, "Create a new identity for him and let him be active in front of the worm people. Use it to lure the snake out of the hole and catch Warren's men."

Bowles was taken aback for a moment, and remained silent for a long time.

He took a step back and looked at Xiwen.

That beautiful face was full of indifference, and Bowers couldn't help sighing: He deserves to be Xiwen, so ruthless.

If he still had doubts before, then he believed eight to nine points of Xiwen's words so far.

"Good idea." Bowers said, "What is Ann's identity? I'll start preparing."

"My female slave, Warren Jacob."


Powers froze.

Suspecting that there was something wrong with his ears, he glanced at Xiwen and then stared blankly at Warren who was sitting in the reception room. As if inspired, Warren met Bowers' gaze again, and then unconsciously reached out and rubbed the side of his neck.

The reddish bite mark on the side of the neck is clearly visible.

And, Warren suddenly covered his nose and mouth, and his neck gradually turned red.

"..." This time, Bowers completely believed it.

It absolutely cannot be Warren Clinton.

After a long silence, Bowers looked at Xiwen with a delicate expression.

Let the female brother who looks exactly like the mortal enemy be his female slave, even named her husband's surname...

After much hesitation, he asked with difficulty, "Are you trying to humiliate Warren?"

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now