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Green eyes that seemed to be full of affection were staring at him.

As the breath blew past his ears, Xiwen held his face in front of everyone and in the tense atmosphere.

"Are you nervous?"

A voice with a hint of a low smile, erupting with heat.

Warren heard his echoing heartbeat. He did not close his eyes, but stared at Xiwen's enlarging face because he was too stiff.

"This is really a bad scene." Warren squeezed out these words through his teeth, his heart barely able to bear the load.

"Then choose a place with beautiful scenery next time." Xiwen ignored the distractions.

No, there is no next time.

Warren seriously suspected that Xiwen was joking, but when he saw the serious and calm look in his eyes, his heart skipped a beat. The hands holding his cheeks were so overbearing that he had no way to retreat.

It was as if he was telling him with his actions that he was serious.

"...Xiwen." Warren spoke righteously.

But I heard Xiwen smile and say, "I will try my best to make it sweeter."

The next second, amid Falder's chuckles, Lucille's gloating, Winn's anger, and the dumbfounded looks of many female insects, Xiwen's lips came up to kiss him.

Unlike before, there was no trace of lust in this kiss (well clothed, from the neck up).

Soft and warm at the same time.

However, this kiss, which was inexplicably more pious than the oath he swore to the insect god, made Warren, who had already experienced more heart-stimulating experiences, blush instantly.

He felt his ears burning and his eyes burning.

The strength seemed to be sucked out of the spine by worms, and the weak elbows resisted Sivan's further approach (above the neck).


One minute, two minutes, so long that it's suffocating.

His beating heart seemed to be out of control, and Warren felt more dangerous than ever before, so dangerous that he was about to drown in Sivan's kiss.

Finally, he bit Xiwen's lip hard.

But the stinging pain didn't make Xiwen give up. He calmly licked (above the neck) the rusty smell that seeped into the gap between the opponent's lips.

It wasn't until the unbearable bug pinched his shoulder that he could stop.

The moment he let go, Warren gasped for air. The taste of rust between his lips and teeth was still faint. Looking at the elegant bug who seemed to be taking out a white square handkerchief to wipe the corners of his lips in the next second, he just thought this was a crazy comment!

"Okay! Okay!" Falder was secretly delighted and wanted to announce to the entire Zerg race, "You have all seen and heard it. This is his answer! His attitude!"

"I, Fard, announce that from now on, Xivin will be expelled from the Jacob family!"

"Father Xiong——" Wen En was worried.

"Everyone heard it, right? This is Xiwen's voluntary choice, but no one forced him." Lucille fanned the flames, so how could he give Winn a chance to redeem himself.

He quickly supported Feld's arm and said thoughtfully, "Father, since Xiwen has made up his mind, our Jacob family does not lack a male like him. You don't have to be so angry about him that you can't see him." For the sake of purity, let’s go back to the master’s house.”

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now