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Mia's attack was fierce, and Nile instantly let go of Warren and defended himself. He resisted Mia's attack...

Without any explanation, the spiritual tentacles fiercely attacked Nile!

Mia's attack was fierce, and Nile instantly let go of Warren and defended himself. He resisted Mia's attack, the tip of his forked tongue dangerously swept across the roots of his teeth, and stared at Mia coldly, "My good friend, how can you attack me with something I modified?"

"Nile, don't challenge my bottom line." Mia's anger was undisguised, and even her mental tentacles directly attacked the lizard's fatal weakness.

If Nero dares to take another step toward Warren, he will dare to fight to the death with Nero. An insect and a lizard are at stake. And the culprit who started the trouble is trying to be biased, "How to start a fight?" 

"Aren't we all good friends?"

Warren changed his expression of fearing that the world would be in chaos. He stood in front of Nile and looked at Mia, "Mia put away her tentacles. This is a misunderstanding."

The cooperative relationship between Mia and Nile is not deeply rooted. Once the third insect appears, especially when this insect is Warren, who is dealing with both sides, cracks will gradually appear in the unbalanced cooperative relationship... 

Because it’s not fun to say it. He choked Mia's words into his lips. An index finger suddenly placed in front of his lips, and Warren looked at him directly, "Walls have ears."

 "Shh." The cold face was finally forced to become more urgent, "Warren, I can't bear it anymore. I've always wanted to tell you, I..." 

He couldn't wait any longer. What's more, Mia knows Warren so well that Warren will be unable to do anything unless he touches the bottom line.

Once the target is determined, using oneself to gain the trust of enemies is just a means to Warren, just like it was to Xiwen...

Mia couldn't help but tighten her fingers. He endured Xiwen, but Do you still want to endure a Nile? Suddenly, the finger pointed at Nile. 

"This is also a helpless move. The lizard insists on clinging to it like a fly. What can we do."

 The real body temperature on the neck and the warm breath turned Mia's anger into heat, but Warren's next sentence aroused his repeated anger. 

The hand that swept over his shoulder came to rest forcefully on the side of his neck.

Warren leaned in and whispered to Mia, "This is a way to attack the enemy, huh?"

 "Mia." Warren's call was tinged with ambiguity at such a close distance. He looked at Mia, who was angry but unable to vent, and patted his shoulder, "Now is a special period."

 He was wrong, so wrong that he could not question it. His emotions seemed to be captured by Warren and played with him. But he clearly felt that he was being played, but he couldn't see any clues on Warren's face. No matter how much Warren provoked him or Nile's lizard, he would not stand in the way. The extreme contradiction resulted in extreme frustration.

For a moment, Mia felt that injecting Warren with the inducer was asking for trouble. Warren's half-smiling expression made it difficult for him to tell whether it was true or false. Was it just teasing or exposing...?

Mia couldn't be sure, but what he could confirm was that Warren, who had lost his memory, didn't know that she loved him. But looking at Warren's expression, his heart was beating more and more uncomfortably. 

For a moment, Mia's anger was put aside and her heart beat like a drum. Warren curled his lips, "It's like a male hero who caught a cheating female queen."

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