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On the third day, the evaluation was interrupted because the evaluator was injured again.

Xiwen condoning the behavior of female slaves is tantamount to slapping the male insect protection association in the face and standing on the opposite side of the association. But people with discerning eyes know that it is Jacob's boss who is mocking the Jacob family behind the Insurance Association.

The noisy association males no longer come to the door, but the rare leisure is broken by another insect.

"Apologize at the door?"

Xiwen listened to the smart house bug's report, put down the information about the female slave exchange in his hand, glanced at the blond and blue-eyed arrogant male bug in the projection, and a mocking smile overflowed from the corner of his lips.

Lucille came to his door to apologize?

His brother who would rather kneel between the legs of the Lante star than be crushed by him and try to drive him out of the family would come to apologize?

Xiwen looked at the impatient male in the projection, and the mockery in his green eyes deepened. It has to be said that his father's move was aggrieved. He used the male insect protection association to put pressure on him, but was severely trampled on his face.

It's a dangerous thing for a long worm who is highly valued by the empire and has excellent talents but doesn't agree with his family. If such a scandal spreads to the ears of the worms, it will be a fatal blow to the Jacob family. In order to prevent this joke from turning into a crisis, his male father really had to "be kind to his father and be filial to his son".

The corners of Xiwen's lips rose, but there was no smile in his eyes. Since it is a door-to-door apology, it should be a little sincere.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly said, "Call Warren in."

Smart house bug: "It's the main bug."

"What's up?"

Two minutes later, Warren walked into the study.

Xiwen, who was flipping through the documents, raised his eyes, and saw the bug staring at him at a glance. Chongzi's expression was vigilant, his sharp eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his body kept a safe enough distance from him.

Xiwen raised his lips slightly, and asked casually, "Did you see Lucier? What is he doing?"

Warren glanced at the male opposite. This vicious insect called him in just to find out about his brother?

In vigilance, he remembered Lucille's arrogant appearance, and then looked at the face with a very high overlapping rate in front of him. With a raised eyebrow, Warren pursed his lips and said, "Playing with your two little females."

His words meant something, and Xiwen watched him quietly. Those green eyes were deep and dark, staring at the worm like a hair. Just when Warren couldn't stand being stared at by Xiwen, Xiwen spoke slowly.

"Are you going to play with him?"

In a frivolous tone, there was no joke in his eyes. Warren's expression cracked slightly, but Xiwen supported his hands and said, "Here's something to play with."

He greeted with his optical brain, "77."

The smart house bug waiting outside entered instantly, holding a silver-white weapon that looked like a laser gun in his hand. The smart house bug placed the weapon on Xiwen's table, "Master, the laser arrow you want."

Laser arrows.

The familiar name made Warren's eyebrows tremble slightly.

This is a weapon imitating the bow and arrow of the ancient earth. The arrow condensed by laser has a long range and great lethality. It is not like other laser weapons that kill with one blow. After being penetrated, the insect will witness its own death process in extreme pain in the burning and stinging pain.

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