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Warren's pupils were constricted, and the shock on his face could not be concealed.

How is it possible...

A huge sense of absurdity came over his heart, and he pushed Xiwen away in shock. The touched thigh was hot. Warren pinched his fingertips, suppressed his panic and laughed, "You are too arrogant."

The insect's mind has been disturbed.

Sivan looked at his face.

The scrutinizing eyes roamed his face inch by inch, as if to see some clues.

"Warren." After a moment, Xiven said.

As the body approaches again, the hormones pressed by the male make the female's body tremble reflexively. Within millimeters, the emerald green eyes are bewitching and seductive.

The aura of danger flowed around Warren. His shoulders and back were tense and he struck out suddenly. Immediately afterwards, a cold hard object was pressed against Xiwen's abdomen.

Xiwen lowered his eyes and glanced, it was the laser arrow.

Just listen to Chongzi's cold voice, "Don't act rashly."

"Are you interested in using my things against me?" Xiwen raised his eyebrows and slowly held the laser arrow's mouth with his fearless hand.

Warren ignored it and pressed the trigger without any explanation.

"What did I say that made you so excited?" Xiwen asked, "Have you been exposed?"

"Warren, why didn't you dare to kill me directly in the first place?" His emerald green eyes were stern, not giving the other party a chance to escape. "Unless the evidence is conclusive, you really wanted to deceive my trust and steal military secrets. ”

"..." Warren couldn't answer.

It was not his intention to gain trust and steal military secrets, but why did he save Xiwen in the first place and teach those who slandered Xiwen again and again...

Because Xiwen once gave him a mouthful of animal meat?

Yes, it all makes sense.

Warren's eyes calmed down, and the kindness had been repaid. Even if he wanted to kill Xiwen with his own hands now, he should never show mercy.

Xiwen asked, "What's your answer?"

The airship was moored slowly as the air condensed. There was a patter of footsteps, and Warren calculated the distance.

"Click——" The airship passed the recognition, and a figure appeared in Warren's field of vision.

It's now.

Warren pulled the trigger suddenly, and the laser arrows exploded at a very strong speed, with a "whoosh" sound! Xiwen dodged reflexively, only to see the laser arrow shoot towards the hatch, heading towards Michael!

There was a short crack.

The arrow light finally grazed Michael's cheek and penetrated straight into the cabin behind him.

"Warren Clinton!"

"Damn star thief, how dare you openly attack an officer!" Michael was furious and quickly took out a police machine and pointed it at Warren, "Xiwen, this star thief cannot be tamed." It should be handed over to the military for punishment. !

Swords were drawn, sharp weapons turned against Warren.

Warren raised the corners of his lips quietly, threw away the laser arrow in his hand, raised his hands, "Accidentally attacked the officer, I surrender."

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now