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Lepers was speechless.


The three seconds agreed...

Before Lepers could react, Warren rushed to the window and jumped out.

Lepers was speechless.


We agreed on three seconds, but what about three, two and one?

Warren didn't count down at all. In order not to give Lepers a chance to react, he immediately jumped out of the window after saying "The battle begins." The huge bone wings unfolded with a "pop" sound, and Lepers, who was forced to put the duck on the shelf, had no choice but to follow Warren's instructions and immediately shouted, "Oh no, an insect has escaped!"

"The female bug jumped out of the second floor window with her cubs in her arms!"

Lepos's loud shout quickly attracted the guarding Lants. Several Lants rushed into the room on the second floor, and indeed saw Warren flying over the base through the window.

"Let the people outside seal the base." The blue lizard said quickly.

"Go and inform Lord Jon."

Looking at the ferocious lizard, Lepos swallowed nervously. He held the hem of his clothes with his fingers and couldn't help but glance at the place where "Little Asian Female" was hiding. Lepers was afraid that Jon would come back, and he was also afraid that these lizards would find the "little sub-female", and he hurriedly scolded loudly, "The cubs have been taken away, why don't you hurry up and catch them!"

"It's not going well! Be careful when my brother comes back to trouble you!"

The situation was urgent, so the Lants didn't think much and quickly evacuated from the second floor, gathering the lizards to capture Warren together. After the lizard left, Lepers finally breathed a sigh of relief. He walked towards the bed, bent down and looked under the bed, and instantly met the beautiful green eyes of "Little Asian Girl".

It stayed under the bed obediently, with a calm and cute expression.

His heart seemed to melt, and Lepos secretly strengthened his determination to protect "Little Asian Female". He took the insect cub out and hid the tiny insect cub in the clothes on his chest. Then quickly go downstairs and walk outside the base.

Over the base, Warren avoided attacks launched by the Lants. Lepers, who was holding the male cub in his arms, was worried and pointed at Warren and shouted deliberately, "What's going on? I can't even shoot this down!"

"Are you blind? He's over there!" Leipers shouted, taking advantage of the chaos and sneaking closer to the base gate.

Warren also saw Lepers, and a thin tentacle was exposed in front of Lepers' chest. He knew that Lepers did as he was told. Lepos must be allowed to escape with the male cub before Mia comes back.

The two insects looked at each other through the lizard, understanding each other.

"Ugly lizard, you can't even catch me?" The female insect definitely has the upper hand in the air. Warren used his bone wing control skills to make the lizards spin around. He covered his chest with his elbow, creating the illusion of holding a cub, and then jerked toward the other side of the base.

Completely opposite to the direction of the gate.

The lizards had only one target in their sights: Warren, so they concentrated their firepower and chased after him. The lizards' attention was attracted by Warren. Upon seeing this, Lepers rushed to the base gate instantly.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now