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The Lanters were sent back, and Nero had to withdraw his complaint.

In this fight, Xiwen and Warren did not need to bear any responsibility, but because Warren, who was a female slave, showed aggressiveness, he was judged by the judiciary as an "unstable source of danger".

Female slaves have no worm rights.

They are the creatures at the bottom of society, and they cannot even be called worms.

"The most important character of a female slave is meekness and obedience."

"The fangs were pulled out, the claws were smoothed, and he curled up tremblingly at the male's feet, waiting for the call in anxiety." The male with a sense of superiority sat opposite the sofa, Shi Shiran put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at the hope. Wen smiled and said, "But obviously, your female slave is not qualified."

The name tag pinned to his chest reflects cold light, and the name of the organization can be vaguely distinguished:

Male Pest Conservation Society.

This is an organization jointly established by noble males, the purpose is to protect the interests of males and maximize their "due" interests.

"Your female slave has become aggressive, which is very likely to threaten your insect life safety. Especially because of your special status and status, you should eliminate all sources of danger." The male worm of the association said, "In this case, The Association recommends that you send this female slave back to the Female Slave Exchange."

Xiwen didn't answer, and caressed the body of the tea with his fingers carelessly.

He seemed to be listening carefully, neither negating nor affirming.

However, this was enough to make the male of the association firm his mind. As a male, he imagined how a superior male like Xiwen would allow a lowly female slave to challenge his authority?

Even serving the male lord can't do well, such a female slave is basically a waste.

Now he is still showing aggression?

"Sending back to the female slave exchange is the best choice." The male seemed to be trying his best to send a female he had never met to the exchange, and continued to encourage, "Before becoming a female slave, no matter whether the female is No matter what your status is, even if you are a general of the military department, as long as he enters the exchange, he will become your obedient and begging dog when he comes out..."

"Of course, if you want to change one, that's your right."

Speaking of this, Xiwen raised his eyes, and his light eyes glanced at the male opposite. There was a smile on the corner of his lips, "Replace?"

"Are you coming to accompany me?"

His voice seemed to contain sand, rubbing against the worm's tailbone caused bursts of numbness. The male worm paused, looking at Xiwen's beautiful face, his Adam's apple moved slightly. He smiled awkwardly, "You're joking."

"I'm joking." Xi Wen's casual words were hidden.

What a bad joke.

After he dealt with the Lant Stars, the Male Insect Protection Association took Warren's foot and went to the door to punish a female slave in person? This is not in line with their style of conduct.

It is not hard for Xiwen to guess who is behind this.

And what is the purpose of putting the female who is "intimate" with him into the exchange to torture or kill him silently...

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now