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With the ground shaking and dust flying, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared in the dark passage.

No, there's an ambush!

The moment their eyes met, Warren reacted quickly. He directly attacked the insect that suddenly appeared, trying to subdue him. But the result was not what Warren expected. He was still half a step too late. The moment he was stunned, the bugs in the passage took the lead and strangled his lifeline first in the confrontation.


The fragile neck was strangled tightly, and the strings in Warren's mind became tense. He raised his hands and squinted his eyes to look at the face of the insect opposite, but the room was dark, and so was the passage.

I couldn't see the insect's face clearly.

But now it was a one-on-one situation, and he quickly thought about the possibility of defeating the insect in front of him.


Just when he thought the other party was an insect, two more vigorous insects suddenly appeared from the passage. The first reaction of the two bugs when they came up was to observe their surroundings, and then turned their attention to them.

Seeing this scene, Warren's heart instantly sank. The situation became one-on-three. What was even worse was that he was not sure if there were any bugs in the passage.

He was forced into a corner, and the two insects that came up behind him were unaware of their situation. He glanced at Lucile, who was sleeping unconsciously on the bed, and looked at him again, and said to the bug holding his neck, "Captain, do you want to clean it up?"

Hearing this, Warren's expression tightened.

Clean it up, I'm afraid it doesn't mean cutting off the roots!

"Don't... just say it if you have something to say." He stared at the insect holding him and raised a cooperative smile, "I won't make it public."

Warren didn't know the identities of these bugs, but from the words that the bugs wanted to clean up him and Lucier, not just him, he could basically rule out the suspicion that the bugs were an ambush set by Nile. He continued, "If you move too much, won't you provoke the big lizards outside?"

As if to verify his guess, after hearing this, the hand holding his neck paused slightly. Warren struck while the iron was hot, "Two insects died for no reason. It stands to reason that within a night, the patrolling lizards would conduct a large-scale search."

"But before I die, if I accidentally scream." Warren continued to smile, accurately aiming at the insect's eyes through the darkness, "I'm afraid it won't last more than ten seconds..."

"The matter has been revealed."

The star thief whose life was strangled did not conceal the threat. There was darkness and silence all around, and his breathing was like hot wind.

Under the cover of darkness, the insect that was strangling Warren's lifeline could not clearly see his expression, but it was not difficult to imagine that this star thief wandering in danger At this moment, he looked so arrogant and wanton. 

The insect that restrained Warren did not respond, but the hot wind that blew past his ears became deeper and clearer. If he wasn't at a "crime" scene at this moment, Warren would have thought he had mistakenly entered some kind of unspeakable set. So fucking...sexy. 

At the moment when this thought occurred, the fingers pressing on the side of his neck suddenly moved.

The thumb suddenly pressed deeply, so hard that it seemed that it would press into his neck in the next second, press into his blood vessels and merge with his flesh and blood. On the contrary, the opponent's arched index finger casually scratched his Adam's apple.

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