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"Who did what to you."

Warren couldn't recall, his memory was disturbed. Only when the energy riots, some fragmented memory fragments will emerge.

And those bloody, dark and humiliating scenes, Warren is reluctant to mention them, especially in front of his sworn enemy Sivan.

Xiwen stared at him for a moment, then let go. Since Warren didn't want to talk, he didn't ask any more. In the future, there will be ways to make this bug speak on its own initiative.

"77." A dark light flashed in emerald's eyes, and Xiwen summoned the smart house bug.

"My lord, the clothes you want." The smart houseworm put the clean clothes beside Warren.

"Get dressed and come out."

After Xiwen gave his orders, he went straight out of the treatment room.

In the hall, Warren and the females were already sitting at the dining table to eat.

The smart house bug came over, "Warren, please sit down and eat."

Without the command of the master bug, the smart house bug will not make decisions on its own. Warren glanced at Xiwen without leaving a trace, and Xiwen's silence was a tacit consent. But the little Yayi at the side became upset, and he put down the knife and fork. She complained coquettishly, "My lord, how can female slaves eat with us at the table?"

"The female slave should kneel."

Bella was better at looking at eyes than North. He pressed North's hand, "Warren still has injuries, and it's not convenient to kneel."

"This is the rule." North said angrily, "Slaves who don't kneel should go hungry!"

Make him kneel.

Kneeling in front of Xiwen with such a shameful status as a female slave. Warren even began to suspect that the two females who sang together were deliberately arranged by Xiwen to show him off.

Just when he was suspicious, Xiwen spoke up.

"Get over here." Emerald's eyes flicked over, "I don't lack this ration to feed a female slave."

Every word Xiwen said was light and calm, but every word burned Warren's pain with precision. He wanted to fight to the end, desperately trying to escape from Xiwen's side. But after feeling the humiliation, he still chose to walk over with restraint.

He must survive.

He wants to find his pilot and avenge this blood!

The blue eyes became cold, and Warren sat down.

A plate of unknown animal meat was placed on the table, with knives and forks placed on both sides. The most original and tempting aroma of meat lingered in Warren's nostrils, and his body, which had not eaten for a long time and was greatly depleted, sent out a signal of desire.

His Adam's apple swallowed silently.

Despite the hunger rushing against his weakened stomach, Warren didn't pick up his knife and fork right away. He subconsciously reached into the pocket of his coat, and after searching for nothing, he picked up the square handkerchief on the table. The pure white square handkerchief was held by callused hands, and every knuckle was carefully wiped.

This action attracted the attention of the female, and the amber cat's eyes lingered between Sivan's hand and Warren's.

These are two very different hands, but the action of wiping is exactly the same.

An adult is elegant, but this savage female is rude!

North stared at Warren covetously, and after seeing that he even folded square handkerchiefs in the same steps as Xiwen, he finally couldn't help it.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now