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Hearing Lepos's answer, Xiwen's eyes darkened.

As he expected, the bug that betrayed Warren colluded with Nile. According to Winn's intelligence, Nero is "guarding" the half-dead Insect Emperor in the royal family at the moment. Fald, who is colluding with them and trying to annex the military headquarters, is probably surviving under Powers' gunboat.

It seems that Mia is the only insect left in the lizard's nest giving orders.

This is a good time to kill that bug.

It's just that... Xiwen looked towards the suddenly commotion at the entrance of the alley, and a group of lizards who heard the sound of the wooden barn followed.

"The bug cubs are on their hands!"

"Hurry and catch them!" The lizard called to more companions.

They want to catch his cubs, a bunch of blind minions.

Xiwen brushed off the gray stains on his sleeves that had been rubbed by the cubs, and glanced at the group of ugly lizards at the entrance of the alley, with a cold look in his eyes. He made a prompt decision and "quickly dealt with these lizards and attacked their base camp."

The military females obeyed the order, and the fierce fighting and the sound of wooden warehouses instantly echoed in the alley. This group of lizards was no match for the army trained by Xiwen. Soon, the ground was covered with lizard corpses.

Lepos was still a little overwhelmed by how the "little female" suddenly turned into a male cub, and the impact of the lizard corpses on the ground. Xiwen glanced at him, and seeing that the insect protected the male cub, he ordered his subordinates, "Take him with you."

The military females quickly formed a team.

Xiwen took Merck, who was holding the cub, on the airship and headed straight to the Lizard's base.

On the airship, the sleeping little female cub woke up when she heard the sound of the cabin door opening.

"Huhu?" It said with sleepy eyes and a milky voice. One fleshy paw holds the huge milk nut, and the other fleshy paw rubs the groggy eyes and pumps the milk. The little boy was so sleepy that he rubbed his eyes for a long time. Finally, I saw the insect in front of me clearly.

"Yeah!" In an instant, Zai Zi caught a glimpse of a pair of small tentacles protruding from Merck's arms. The little female cub's antenna-like antennae trembled with excitement, sensing a familiar signal.

Jie is its beautiful male brother!

After the male cub's little head popped out, the female cub kicked her legs excitedly, knocking the milk fruit that she couldn't put down until it rolled to the ground. It didn't remember that its beautiful brother didn't play with it, so it immediately got up. Spreading its small bone wings, it pounced on its male cub brother like a hard-working little bee.

"Little bastard!" he said, smelling like a rough star thief.

The little cub with leaky front teeth is cursing bugs... The corners of Merck's eyes twitched, "Boss, where did your female cub learn these words and who are you scolding?"

"..." You don't need to think about it, you know that it is learned from its female father.

Xiwen grabbed Zaizi, who was trying to knock his younger brother down, but Zaizi, who was holding Destiny by the scruff of his neck, was unwilling to twist like a top.

"Be good." Xiwen patted Zai Zi's butt, and Zai Zi instantly became honest.

The two cubs have very different personalities, but the level of naughtiness is the same. As a warning, the newly hatched male cub ran away with Warren without anyone noticing. Except for Merck, Xiwen never left the female cub alone to his subordinates again.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now