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Yiluo was obviously stunned, but he was an adult female insect after all and was familiar with the physiological state of female insects. Looking at the restless "creature" under Warren's belly, he stretched out his hand.

Fingers touch skin.

The sound of two weak pulses passed through his abdomen, which was cold due to blood loss. The one just now seemed to be a strong desire to survive in a crisis. After exhausting all his strength, the two pulses became extremely weak, but despite this, Iroh could still clearly feel their presence.

He looked at Warren blankly, "You seem to be... pregnant."

"..." The tense strings in my mind were shaking.

Immediately afterwards, Iroh's next sentence directly gave Warren a blow in the head.

"It's two."

Warren vaguely heard the sound of "Bang——" in his head, and something was broken. The emotions in his eyes went from collapse to irritability and finally to deathly silence.

Iroh's words directly confirmed his terrifying guess.

He remembered what he had told Lepers with nonsense half a month ago...

‘One insect for each, but also a double-yolked egg’

Warren felt like something was stuck in his throat.

How could he be pregnant with eggs?

Unwilling to give up, Warren stared at Iroh with a stiff throat, "Could it be a tumor...? Or other parasites?"

As if to break Warren's unrealistic illusions and prove that he was not a strange creature, the two eggs gently touched Warren's tentacles with their weak spiritual tentacles for the first time.

Warren knocked it away expressionlessly, staring straight at Iroh.

Iroh felt more pressure and realized that Warren might not know about it at all and didn't really want the two eggs. He licked the corner of his lower lip and said thoughtfully, "Warren, the physiological characteristics of a female worm carrying eggs are very obvious."

"Such as decreased appetite."

He gagged at the sight of nutritional supplements.

"Easily sleepy."

He slept in prison every day until he woke up from hunger and continued to vomit.

"Eager for physical contact and energy irrigation from males."

"Hefa - passion is fierce and the frequency is disordered."

Upon hearing these two points, Warren instantly remembered the scene where his uncontrollable mental tentacles were about to wrap around a certain male insect... his face suddenly turned black.

He had all the features right.

My numb brain felt like being pricked by needles, and the pain spread to the wound on my abdomen. Warren felt severely damaged both mentally and physically. In the midst of the rage of pain, two rustling spiritual tentacles quietly touched Warren's wound, caressing his wound with energy as weak as a hair.

Warren lowered his eyes and stared at his abdomen with a complicated expression.

"If you don't want these two eggs."

Elo paused for a moment, thinking that if Warren and his hero had a good relationship, Warren wouldn't have such a resistant reaction. As a past beetle, Ilo added, "Eggs without male watering are destined not to survive."

"Even if he barely survives, it is very likely that he died due to deformity." He straightened his expression, "Warren, if you don't want it, kill it as soon as possible before the egg is fully developed and the shell is not hard, otherwise it will be difficult to kill again. Dropped."

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now