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A huge sense of disappointment swept through Warren's heart. The sympathy between the enemies and insects, or the lack of goodwill toward each other, made him unable to stand there and watch. Then Xiwen and Michael disappeared from his sight.

He seemed to have returned to that dream.

The distance is stretched infinitely, and it may not be Xiwen who is swallowed by the darkness.

But himself.

He was in the darkness but didn’t know it. When Xiwen’s figure disappeared until it disappeared, there was only endless blackness left in his dream...

If that's the case, then why doesn't he personally bind Xiwen's fate to his own? Pull this damn bug back together.

The collar was pulled hard.

Watching Xiwen being strangled with red marks on his neck, Warren felt a sense of revenge. He faced Xiwen's lowering gaze and said word by word:

"Leave the egg."

The two insects faced off.

Xiwen inspected his expression, and after a few minutes, the hand holding the cheekbone held Warren's wrist. With his thin lips raised, Xiwen said firmly, "Warren, I gave you a chance to choose."

"Since you have made your choice, let's go."

And Warren just felt that he was crazy to his core. Warren was silent, looking into the other person's eyes. Xiwen's eyes were calm, as if he was saying that no one is more sober than him. No, he really doesn't want to.

 Xiwen smiled, "Do you want to continue to be a female slave?"

 Xi Wen actually wants to form a relationship with him to become a male and a female? 

"Are you crazy?"

Warren scolded Michael directly for what he couldn't say. Xiwen's words also shocked him, making his heart beat violently and as if he had fallen from a height of 100,000 meters. 

"Xiwen?" Michael finally couldn't restrain himself, "Do you want to register with him? Or is it the level of female monarch? Are you..."

The worker once again suspected that he had heard wrong, and so did Michael. Xiwen stared at Warren, "Registered as a female monarch."

"With him."

Hearing Xiwen's words, the worker's mind suddenly shut down. He followed Xiwen's gaze and saw that the female insect he was looking at was the refugee...

"Conduct another registration. "

The worker insect was stunned, wondering how this matter would end. He tentatively asked Xiwen, "If you two insects have already decided, I will take you to go through the procedures for dissolving the relationship. In addition, do you have any other needs?"

 "Yes." Michael's eyes flashed with disappointment, but it quickly disappeared.

"I came to terminate the relationship with Xiwen. This is just the opinion of the two families, and there is no party involved. The insect's consent should not have taken effect."

After all, even the marshal can’t get into Xiwen’s heart. Michael confirmed this fact again. If it weren’t for this insect...

He gouged out Warren’s eyes with hostility. He thought that if it weren’t for this star thief who despicably turned into a female insect, , Xiwen probably would not contact him in private. Xiwen doesn’t like him. 

Although Michael also hoped that this was true, he was unwilling to use such clumsy means to bind himself to Xiwen. He looked at Michael for confirmation. The workers at the registration office are still in a state of shock.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now