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Xiwen looked at Powers, and the conversation between the two insects came to an abrupt end. He stood up and sent Powers, who was still going to the military headquarters, to the door of the study.

With a click, the door opened.

Warren suddenly appeared in front of him.

His toes turned and his heels were raised slightly, which was obviously a gesture of escape. While escaping but not yet successful, Xiwen looked at the eavesdropping bug from head to toe.

Big eyes stared into small eyes, lips curled up imperceptibly.

"Waiting for me?"

The gaze that looked down was a little teasing.

It was impossible for Warren to admit that he was eavesdropping. He smiled, "Yeah, look what you two lonely men are doing in there."

Lonely and alone, the novel words made Powers speechless.

What else can two males do together? You can't give birth to insect cubs. Bowles looked at Warren and suddenly caught a glimpse of the other person's slightly bulging belly.

"..." His expression instantly became complicated.

He retracted his last second's thoughts and decided that he could not be alone in the same room with Xiwen in the future.

Too dangerous.

"I'll let you come in next time and see what you can do." Xiwen didn't expose him. He emphasized the end of each word and looked at Warren.

"But there are indeed things that can be done." He teased intentionally, and in the eyes of the insect that were as wary as a feline, he put his hand on the other person's waist.

The lips are on the back of the neck, touching vaguely.

Warm breath lingered from the back of his neck to his ears (above the neck), and Warren felt his scalp numb. Then he heard Xiwen whisper, "The newly purchased vase is on the table."

"You can break as many as you want."

"..." These two sentences made the brainwaves and memories between the insects match.

When the female slave evaluates.

The uncomfortable feeling of reaching the desk.


A vase was knocked to the ground on the table.

Broken glass on the floor and water stains splashed around the feet...

The unsightly images are still fresh in my memory.

Warren's expression suddenly became stiff, as if his hair had exploded, and he said every word, "Shut up."

Looking at the two "flirting" Chong, Bowles felt suspicious of Chongsheng. It was as if he didn't exist, and the complexity and awkwardness on his face was unbearable. Who would have thought that Sivan and Warren were getting together?

Sivan teased Warren, and Bowers felt another layer of worry. He shook his head secretly, thinking about Chongsheng, and left Xiwen's residence.

Warren was taken downstairs by Xiwen.

Xiwen got a tutorial from the smart house insect. This was given by a private tutor of worms, about how male and female worms should have effective physical communication to enhance the relationship between them and their eggs.

Sivan flipped through the book and pulled Warren onto the sofa.

This was one of the few moments when the two insects lowered their guard, and Warren was pulled between Sivan's legs (on the sofa). The crowded sitting position caused Warren to almost sit on Xivin's lap.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now