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The airship stopped in front of Xiwen, and Winn's face was revealed through the cabin window. Apparently, Winn was also ordered back to his master's home by Falder. Xiwen did not refuse and got on Winn's airship. He wanted to see how far Falder dared to go.

On the airship, Xiwen and Winn didn't talk much.

As the marshal of the empire and the actual person in charge of the military, Winn was undoubtedly aware of Fald's private detention of Nile troops on the grounds of practice. In fact, it was his brother Winn who explained and covered up Fald to the Insect King.

Winn can cooperate with him to expel Nero's troops to the main city, and can also help Fald detain Nero's troops.

"Will you blame me?" Wen En suddenly asked.

Xiwen's expression was calm, "No."

Winn's words paused. When Xiwen said "no", he knew that Xiwen no longer needed his help. The problem does not lie with him, but with their male father or the entire Jacob family. Xiwen already knew that he would stand on the family's side.

Their positions and identities are different.

On one side is the military that protects the empire, and on the other is the family that supports his power. These intertwined interests made him, as a female, choose to deal with both sides.

And this situation will only make him and Xiwen feel like strangers.

He glanced at Xiwen and sighed. He himself chose to compromise, how could he persuade Xiwen to compromise too? Winn didn't say anything anymore. He just hugged Xiwen before getting off the airship and whispered in his ear, "If I were standing in the torrent, I would rather stay in the middle than cross the river."

Winn was telling him that he would not interfere in his or his family's affairs, nor would he take sides. This is as far as Winn can go, if he can do it at all. Xiwen smiled and made no comment.

He let go of Winn's hand and walked towards the host's house.

Falde was "practicing" for Nile, and when he saw Xiwen arriving, the smile on his face disappeared instantly. It took more than a day or two to teach Xiwen a lesson. When he finally caught the opportunity, Falder immediately acted like a strict father and opened his mouth to accuse, "Asking you to go back to the master's house is like kneeling down to beg you to come back." .Look at you, what have you been doing lately?”

"I asked you not to be with that lowly and unknown female slave before. If you didn't listen to me, isn't that insect now in prison waiting to die? Hanging out with that kind of dirty and lowly insect. It’s really a disgrace to our tribe.”

"You dare to expel General Nile's troops from the main city because of this trivial matter!" Falder wanted to point at Xiwen's nose, jump up and curse, "How could the Jacob family have such a sinful insect like you, deliberately destroying Not to mention the alliance between the Zerg and the Blue Star, they still want to bring a bad name on our family!”

"You have ulterior motives." Lucille, who was sitting next to Nile, said in a strange tone, "You don't look down on our family, right? Relying on the genes and resources provided by the family, you want to leave the family when you become the commander. You are really a white-eyed wolf. ."

If he had such genes and resources, he, Lucille, would have rooted the power of the Jacob family deeper, but it happened to be an advantage to Xiwen, who was taking advantage of others.

Farde and Lucille could scold them vigorously, but Xiwen didn't take them seriously at all. As soon as you enter the door, there is a meeting, as if you have arranged who to vent your anger on?

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now