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"Aren't the enemy insects in front of me more worthy of vigilance?"

The sharpness and provocation in Chongzi's eyes were undisguised. Xiwen bent his lower lip and said no more words. By the time he got to the point, even though the insect didn't want to admit it, the seeds of suspicion seemed to have been planted in his heart.

Mia is dead?

In the dark basement, a cold body gradually woke up.

The bright red liquid gurgled in the veins, and the warmed fingertips trembled suddenly.

In an instant, the closed eyes opened.

"He's awake."

The sound of insects and footsteps mingled.

I feel dizzy and the shadows of insects overlap.

The insect lying on the operating bed blinked hard, and the rejection reaction caused discomfort and nausea to surge up in his body. An unskilled limb touched his forehead, and his consciousness was dull and sluggish.

A ray of light fell through the window, and he saw his own limbs in a daze.

After a brief pause, the insect stretched his hand into the light and shadow.

A strange light lit up in his eyes, as if he was coming back from the ashes of death, and his blood heated up rapidly.

It worked.

His eyes trembled slightly, and after a moment a hoarse voice sounded, "How long have I been dead?"

"Two months." A voice replied, looking down at the hand in the light and shadow.

Exquisite body, full sea area.

"Another masterpiece." A proud laugh sounded, "Welcome your new life."

"Check his body."

In the suite of the exchange, Xiwen crossed his arms and looked at the insect in front of him while giving instructions to his subordinates. He has been hanging around the exchange for several days, with the purpose of monitoring... assisting a certain insect to investigate the connection between the exchange and the transformation of the insect body, and at the same time, treating Warren's weird body.

Compared with the initial resistance, Warren has gradually accepted Merck's inspection of the bone wings included in his body. Xiwen said nothing, holding his chin and watching the two bugs performing routine inspections.

He needed to confirm one thing.

From Merck's mouth.

"Boss." After completing the inspection, Merck glanced at Xiwen.

Xiwen nodded and stood up, glanced at Warren who was trying to come over, and walked out of the room with Merck.

"Just as you guessed."

Merck said solemnly, "The modified body has the characteristics of self-repair and growth."

Even he, who was a leader among military doctors and even in the Imperial Research Institute, was shocked. Warren's modified body can improve itself and even continuously adapt to the growth of the body!

Is this really the level of insect body modification currently possessed by the Zerg race?

Merk, like Xiwen, had deeper doubts. He said, "This means that he is no different from a female insect. He has self-healing capabilities, has bone wings, can grow female lines, and even... can breed insect eggs." ”

Can breed insect eggs...

The fingers tapping the rhythm paused slightly, Xiwen did not answer, his eyes were deep and his expression seemed to be in deep thought.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now