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Imperial prison.

The prison guards entered the prison and gave the prisoners a break as usual.

Different from the usual restlessness, the prison seemed particularly calm and peaceful at this moment. Footsteps sounded from far away, and Warren suddenly opened his eyes while leaning on the corner of the bed.

"Get up! It's time to relax."

The prison guard's voice entered the cell through the door and window. Peering into the cell with vigilant eyes, the prison guard lowered his guard when he saw that the bug was standing two meters away from the door.

With the sound of [pupil pattern recognition passed], the closed cell door slowly opened.


Warren's pupils were lined up as he waited for an opportunity, like a cheetah locking its target, and his blue eyes flashed with a cold brilliance.

The gap was opened, and bright light poured in from behind the prison guard. There was only a shadow left in Warren's eyes, and he locked onto the prison guard's figure.

The prison guard was suddenly frightened as if he was locked in the gaze of a prey. He pressed the communicator while staring at Warren, "You..."

Just as he opened his mouth to call, an explosive figure rushed up from two meters away. Two steps into one, Warren choked him violently.


"Sir, lower your voice."

The corners of his lips curved, and his raised eyebrows were bright and confusing, but his hands strangled the prison guard's voice into his throat. In the fearful eyes of the other party, a sharp hand slashed at the back of the prison guard's neck, knocking the insect unconscious.

"Hey, aren't you waiting for my brother?" Lepers said, looking at the thrilling scene from the opposite side.


"Wait until he catches up with me." Warren showed an arrogant smile and quickly took off the prison guard's clothes and put them on himself.

He has already figured out the prison's security situation. During the release time, the security is at its lowest. There is a two-minute gap between the first prison guard entering and the second one coming over. These two minutes are the best time to escape.

He has one minute left.

"This military uniform is quite difficult to put on." Warren put on the military uniform while Lepers looked out for him.

"No! Prison guards are coming!" Lepers said urgently.

His unusual behavior attracted the attention of the prison guard, "What are you talking about?"

Prison guards approach.

At the critical moment, Warren put his baton on the back of his waist and lowered the brim of his hat and walked out.

"What's going on?" The prison guard glanced around Warren at the insect lying on the ground behind him.

Warren held down the brim of his hat and said coldly, "I wanted to escape from prison, but I was knocked unconscious with a stick."

The prison guard glanced at him after hearing this, but noticed the communicator that had slipped away not far from the fainted insect. He instantly touched the baton and stared at Warren for a moment, "Show me your pupil pattern certificate."

The proof of pupil pattern needs to be scanned by military optical brain and authenticated to the individual military female. Warren sighed briefly, but his tone was full of excitement, "You found out."

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now