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As if listening to Xiwen's words, Warren's struggle gradually became smaller.

However, when Sivan tried to reach into his sea to appease the tentacles, Warren violently rioted again. He groaned in pain, as if he was experiencing some kind of non-insect torture, and his body was constantly twisting with the cold sweat falling wildly.

Xiwen looked ugly, but he still tried to enter.

The sea area that can be stimulated quickly closes the channel, frantically defending against the invasion of external energy in a self-destructive way.

"Boss, we can't continue!" Merck watched impatiently.

The state of this female insect is really too dangerous.

To be conservative, the mental tentacles should not continue to penetrate, but if the invading energy suddenly withdraws at this moment, the defense mechanism in the female's body that has been mobilized to the extreme and has already lost control is very likely to self-destruct directly!

This is a dilemma.

"Relax." Xiwen's eyes were cold, and his hands quickly clamped Warren's jaw. Violently, the spiritual energy slammed into him again.

He has elements of gambling, but he is sure that his mortal enemy has a kind of wildness that is too tenacious and flamboyant, allowing the vitality to break out of the ground and grow wildly.

The energy hits the defense hard and fast.

The sea is turbulent.

Almost screaming, Warren's teeth chattered in pain.

Merck on the side gasped, and couldn't bear to press Xiao Er. Finally, with the sound of pain, Warren's defense was broken. Xiwen's mental tentacles drove straight in and slammed into Warren's sea area.

In an instant, the soul seemed to be separated from the body.

The pain peaked, causing a delirious Warren to howl. He instinctively longed for appeasement, but the consciousness of survival clamored to resist. Especially in the state of dying, the body instinctively makes a desperate move.

He grabbed Xiwen's hand suddenly, lowered his head, and bit Xiwen's tiger's mouth hard.

The tyrannical bite force broke the epidermis in an instant, and blood flowed continuously.

"Boss!" Merck exclaimed.

However, Hill didn't care. He raised his eyebrows and began to appease the Warren sea area.

The energy that is about to break through the SSS level cannot be underestimated.

As the unique cold fragrance hits the face, the sharpness disappears, and Warren feels a steady stream of warm and soothing energy filling his sea area.

This kind of soothing lasted for more than half an hour, the pain dissipated, and the erotic fever returned to his face. Seeing that he was almost soothed, Xiwen was about to evacuate his mental tentacles. However, the panting insect looked at him with blurred eyes, and its trembling, pitiful tentacles instinctively entangled him, reluctantly trying to keep him.

Xiwen stared at him with dark green eyes.

The gorgeous and charming eyes like a sea monster make the delirious insects seem to be surrounded by gentle and rippling spring water, gradually turning into spring water.

"Open your mouth." Xiwen's eyes were dark, but there was a smile on his lips.

The thin lips opened and closed, and her beautiful face bewitched the heart of insects.

Warren, who had no sense at all, opened his mouth obediently.

While smiling, Xiwen pinched his lower jaw, and then pressed the tiger's mouth against his lips. Nice voice:

"If you bite blood, lick it clean."

Warren was stunned for a moment, but under the bewitchment of his passion and Xiwen, he stuck out his tongue belatedly. The bright red blood on the cold white skin was drawn into by the pink tongue, and rubbed against the corners of the lips, slipping down from the honey-colored face, blooming gorgeous flowers.

Tongue-licking feeling scratches the heart.

Xiwen glanced at Warren's confused face very lightly, then withdrew his hand.

"Boss, boss." Merck stepped forward hesitantly, "Shall I help you treat the wound?"

"Bring me the things, I'll do it myself." Xiwen refused, and took the medical equipment from Merce's hand.

He handled the wound swiftly, as if he had practiced it countless times. By the time Xiwen's wound was treated, the exhausted Warren had already fallen into a deep sleep.

"...Is he Warren?" Merck asked tentatively.

Xiwen raised his eyes and glanced over, "No third worm will know, understand?"

He didn't answer, but he had already given Merck the answer.

Those green eyes of the worm were cold, and the worm couldn't refuse. Merck's Adam's apple rolled down, and he quickly laughed, "I understand, I understand."

"Boss, since he has stabilized, I'll go back first? Do you need to contact me again?" Merck finished speaking, and quickly fled after getting Xiwen's permission.

In the silence of the night, Xiwen, with his arms folded, stared at the unsuspecting insects in the treatment cabin with deep eyes.

He is not a kind person.

Everything he took out now will be taken back in the future.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now